The logo

The logo is composed of a cross dividing a circle into four quarters.
The cross is our symbol of the death and resurrection of Jesus, our communal identity as the Body of Christ.
The circle represents the host, body of Christ and bread broken and shared in Eucharist. It is symbolic of the Last Supper
The circle also depicts the earth and its four compass points. As such, the logo evokes the world invited to the universal gathering of the 2008 International Eucharistic Congress. These four cardinal points of the earth is symbolic of the universal church.
In the logo, we can see the shape of a boat, symbol of the Universal Church (Peter's boat) and a component of Quebec City's coat of arms. Sailing up the majestic St. Lawrence River, the first missionaries and Monsignor de Laval set foot on this soil to introduce faith in Jesus Christ, thus the river image reminding us of all Canadian missionaries.
The color “gold” represents the Eucharistic bread, and “red”, the Eucharistic wine. The two colors combine to express the Gift of God. These colors were also on the coat of arms of François de Laval, first Bishop of North America.
Theme Song
(Words by Robert Lebel; Melody; harmonies by Mario Jacques and Jean Morissette)
Refrain: |
O God source of life, we thank you for your gift: this bread and wine for the life of the world.
United in praise, we come to the feast to take in our hands, God's gift for life.
For this we praise you, Lord. |
These words that make up the refrain of the theme song for the 49th International Eucharistic
Congress to be held in Quebec City in June 2008, plunge us into the heart of the mystery of the Eucharist—a gift of God for the life of the world—and introduce us to the theme of the upcoming Congress.
- Qu’elle soit belle et rayonnante,
La joie de notre cœur!
Qu’elle s’élève et qu’elle chante,
La gloire du Seigneur!
Des quatre coins de notre terre,
De chez nous et d’ailleurs…
Que tout un peuple en sa prière,
Célèbre son Pasteur. R/
- Behold the gifts which earth has given
And human hands have made.
No greater sign is there among us:
Life-giving bread and wine.
Behold the bread that now is broken;
See the body of Christ.
See in the cup of our salvation
The blood of Christ out-poured. R/
- Antes de subir a los cielos
Con verdadero amor
Siervo de Dios, Maestro humilde
Una enseñanza dio.
Lavó los pies de sus apóstoles
Y entonces les pidió:
« Haced lo mismo entre vosotros
Y servid por amor ». R/
- Engraved upon our hearts and minds
This wondrous memory!
We come rejoicing to this table,
The banquet of the Lord!
Now let us celebrate the myst'ry,
Christ's presence made anew;
Do not our hearts burn when we hear him
And when we break the bread? R/
- Le Père a tant aimé le monde
Qu’il a donné son Fils…
Afin que la vie surabonde
Au souffle de l’Esprit.
C’est dans l’Esprit qu’il nous transforme
Pour faire eucharistie
Quand nous offrons notre personne
Par lui et avec lui. R/
- Él es el cáliz de la alianza
El Cordero de Dios
Él es ofrenda, Él es altar
Él es la salvación.
Por este sacrificio santo
El mundo renació
La victoria sobre la muerte
Celebramos, Señor. R/
- Sans tout saisir, sans tout comprendre,
Et sans même le voir,
Le contempler… et puis l’attendre
Jusqu’à le recevoir!
Bien au-delà des apparences
C’est bien le pain de Vie
Qui, sur nos routes d’espérance,
Réconforte et nourrit. R/
May this song nourish our reflection, our prayer, and our faith!