Over the past two weeks, we have been briefly highlighting the Medjugorje visionaries’ stories, the early days. Today, we will outline the messages and secrets the visionaries claim the Blessed Virgin passed on to them. It should be noted that the descriptions of these events were drawn from the internet and, in some instances, the author interprets certain situations.
The Messages
According to the testimony of the visionaries, on the occasion of her apparitions, Our Lady gave a series of messages to be transmitted to the people. Even though there are many messages, they can be summarized in five themes.
On the third day, Our Lady stressed peace as the first of her messages: "Peace, peace, peace and only peace!" after which she said twice, "Peace must reign between God and man and between people." Considering that one of the visionaries claimed they could see a cross when Our Lady gave the message, the obvious conclusion is that peace comes from God.
The second of Our Lady’s messages is faith. On the fourth, fifth and sixth days of the apparitions, Our Lady encouraged those present to have strong faith. According to the visionaries, she repeated this message on many occasions and asked the children to bring the light of faith to others. Our Lady presented faith as an answer to everything, no matter what people were looking for. She presented faith as the prerequisite of all prayer, desire and demands relating to health, wholeness and to all other human necessities.
Conversion was another one of Our Lady’s frequent messages. Without conversion, there is no peace. Our Lady also continually suggests frequent confessions directed towards all, without differentiation.
From the fifth day of apparitions onwards, Our Lady recommends prayer. She asks everyone to "pray without ceasing," just as Christ himself taught.
On the sixth day of the apparitions, Our Lady often recommended fasting, as it aids faith. She requested fasting with bread and water on Wednesdays and Fridays.
The Ten Secrets
Our Lady has told the six visionaries that she would give them 10 secrets to bring worldwide conversion. The secrets are talked about a lot, but very little is known about them. Here is what we do know.
The Blessed Virgin has told the visionaries that the third secret will be a lasting sign placed on Apparition Hill. The sign will appear on the mountain in such a way that unbelievers won’t have words to say what it is. The sign will be something that has never been seen on earth before.
One of the visionaries was given the responsibility of revealing the ten secrets and was given a parchment by Our Lady containing the 10 secrets. This visionary was directed to choose a priest who will reveal the secrets to the world. His name is Father Petar Ljubicic. In addition, part of the seventh secret has been mitigated because of prayer and fasting.
The Visionaries
The names of the visionaries, who are now all adults, are as follows: Ivan Dragicevic, Ivanka Ivankovic-Elez, Jakov Colo, Marija Pavlovic Lunetti, Mirjana Dragicevic-Soldo, and Vicka Ivankovic-Mijatovic. Mirjana, Ivanka, and Jakov have received all ten secrets and Our Lady no longer appears to them. Marija, Vicka and Ivan have received nine secrets and are still having apparitions. Mirjana is the visionary whom Our Lady gave the responsibility to reveal the secrets.
If you are interested in hearing father Kennedy describe his Medjugorje experience there will be a sign-up sheet at the back of the church to gauge interest.