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Our Lady of Victory / St. Malachy
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The Parishes


Our Lady of Victory


St. Malachy

Father William Marrevee, s.c.j.

Eucharistic Celebrations

St. Malachy - Saturday 7:00 P.M.
Our Lady of Victory - Sunday 9:00 A.M.

Reconciliation: O.L.V. - 1st Sunday 8:15-8:45 a.m. or by appointment.
St. Malachy - 1st Saturday 6:15-6:45 p.m. or by appointment.
Baptisms: By appointment. Registration required. Please call the Rectory.
Marriages: Couples must call the Rectory for an appointment at least one year prior to their date of marriage to allow adequate preperation time.

Welcome to new parishioners : We welcome you to our parish! Please introduce yourself after Mass and call the Rectory to register.

Twenty Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time (C)
September 19, 2004

WED. 22 - 9:00 a.m. Rene Desjardins (3rd) by Helen & family
SAT. 25 - 7:00 p.m. Anthony McMahon by his family
SUN. 26 - 9:00 a.m. Henri Filiatreault by Betty
Janet Addy by Val & Lewis Rowe

As two parishes, Our Lady of Victory and St. Malachy, we have been together around the One table of the Lord Jesus. We hope to receive from His Spirit a lift, a real boost. We need it.

In a recent pastoral message our Bishop, Roger Ebacher called on all the parishes in our Diocese to become "schools of catechesis". What does he mean by that? It has a lot to do with our parishes becoming communities where children, young people and - even more so - where we as adults continue to be formed as disciples, as followers of Jesus Christ. Are our two parishes the sort of places where such formation takes place?

For that to happen we need to take good care of the four areas that make up parish life:

Proclamation of the
Good News
Faith Formation rooted
in the Living World
Liturgy, Prayer, Praise
Fraternity, Solidarity
Community, Sharing
Transformation of Society
Justice and Faith
Social Responsibility

These activities do not just happen. Nor can they be left to the priest and "always the same few lay-people". We are all baptised, and as such called and empowered to continue the mission of Jesus. That mission consists in activating the four areas of activities that make up a healthy parish.

None of us can do this on our own. But together and with each one of us making a small contribution we can make sure that the Spirit which Jesus promised will not let us down. Are you game?

Contrary to what was mentioned in the bulletin two weeks ago, our weekday Mass is to be celebrated on Wednesday morning from now on. That is due to a scheduling conflict. I hope it stays this way for the next little while.

The Mass is at 9:00 a.m. Choir practice will take place after Mass.

One concerns our bishop; the other concerns one of the principal activities in parish life: liturgy.

  1. Our bishop is celebrating the 25th anniversary of his ordination as bishop. That event will be observed with a celebration of the Eucharist in Saint-Benoit Church (171 rue Nicolet, Hull) on October 6th at 8:00 p.m. All are invited as a gesture of thanks to our bishop and as a gesture of support in the difficult service he provides in challenging times.
  2. On Saturday, October 16th at the Diocesan Center: a Diocesan Liturgy workshop. This workshop is a follow-up to the pastoral message on Liturgy that the Bishop wrote and gave to the Gatineau-Hull Diocese on Wednesday of Holy Week at the annual Chrism Mass. The idea is that we take a look at our Sunday celebration of the Eucharist in our parishes in light of the principal elements that the Bishop spells out in his pastoral message. Let us make sure that we have a good contingent from our English parishes there so that we can form our own workshop. The workshop starts at 9:00 a.m. with Morning Prayer and is supposed to finish at 12:30 p.m.

SPECIAL COLLECTION NEXT WEEKEND (SEPT. 25/26) for the Needs of the Church in Canada. Each year at this time the Bishops of Canada ask for your support and prayers in order to carry out some of the most vital and important activities in the life of our church. Your participation in this collection ensures that the voice of the Bishops is heard nationally on such issues as concern for justice and peace, the definition of marriage, the elimination of racism, the importance of families, the protection of the environment, and defending human life from conception until death.

Your contribution to the Collection for the Needs of the Church in Canada provides you an opportunity to participate in the work of the Bishops in helping to bring the Good News to a world in need of Christ's message of hope and love.

BEST WISHES to Bertha Bertha Gorman Cosgrove who celebrated her 91st birthday last Sunday, and to Lewis Weatherdon who celebrated his 85th birthday last Monday.

CONGRATULATIONS to Douglas & Aline Butler who celebrate their 55th wedding anniversary on September 23.

TERRY FOX RUN: Sunday, September 19, Ecole Hormisdas Gamelin, 1:30 p.m. For information call 986-6744. There are pamphlets at entrance to church.

LITURGY COMMITTEE MEETING: Wednesday, September 22, 7:15 p.m.

HARVEST SUPPER: Friday, September 24, O.L.V. Parish Hall.

ANY ARTISTS OUT THERE? A group of artists will begin meeting to paint on Monday, October 4, 7:00-9:00 p.m. in O.L.V. hall. Some painting experience is preferable as there is no teacher. Cost is $2.00 per evening.

Weekly Receipts O.L.V. St. Malachy
Regular $450  

Thank you !

Rectory 490 Charles Street
Gatineau, Québec J8L 2K5
Telephone (819) 986-3763
Secretary Monday and Thursday 1:00-4:00 p.m.

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490 Charles Street • Gatineau • Quebec • J8L 2K5
Telephone: (819) 986-3763
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