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Our Lady of Victory


St. Malachy

Father William Marrevee, s.c.j.

Eucharistic Celebrations

St. Malachy - Saturday 7:00 P.M.
Our Lady of Victory - Sunday 9:00 A.M.

Reconciliation: O.L.V. - 1st Sunday 8:15-8:45 a.m. or by appointment.
St. Malachy - 1st Saturday 6:15-6:45 p.m. or by appointment.
Baptisms: By appointment. Registration required. Please call the Rectory.
Marriages: Couples must call the Rectory for an appointment at least one year prior to their date of marriage to allow adequate preperation time.

Welcome to new parishioners:
We welcome you to our parish! Please introduce yourself after Mass and call the Rectory to register.


WED. 27 - 9:00 a.m.

Deceased members of Cadieux family by Lucille C. Allen

SAT. 30 - 7:00 p.m. Deceased members of Thomas Garvey family by Brother Matt Garvey
SUN. 31 - 9:00 a.m. Eleanor Kane by Margaret & Tom Dorion

NB: The time changes next weekend. Don't forget to change your clocks!

October 24 - November 6 for the intentions of Veronica Smith.

These meetings can be somewhat lengthy, but there is certainly a great spirit. At last Thursday's meeting we spent some time on our recently created website: www.stmalachyolv.com. Now that we have such a website the question is what should go on there. We gave Ambrose Ward some ideas and he is going to work on that.

We also continued reflecting on our September 19 launch session. One of the items we discussed was having a gettogether with parents that have younger children to see what we as two parishes can do to assist parents when it comes to the faith formation of their children. It is certainly a challenge today.

Another interesting item came up in the form of showing our appreciation for the many parishioners that "make our Sunday Eucharist work", the various ministers. We thought of a gettogether over lunch on Saturday, November 27, let us say from 11:00 a.m. until 1:00 p.m. It would serve as an excellent opportunity to hear about each other's experiences and needs. We'll keep you posted.

That is the little document that you may have seen around since the September 19 launch. Gale referred to it a number of times during her power point presentation. It is a booklet that the bishop presented when about 500 of us gathered in Moussette Park in Hull to celebrate the Feast of Pentecost.

The document is the result of what in the diocese we have been studying and discussing in a variety of settings over the last 10-15 years or so: where are we as Church going? How are we today to live from and offer to others the Gospel of Jesus Christ? A tough question for which there are no easy answers. What the above mentioned document does is outline the basic orientation for the next 10-15 years. It is realistic and humble enough not to give pre-packaged answers. It is more inspirational in nature. That is why one cannot say "Oh, I have read it." and then leave it at that. It needs to be read over and over again. And then slowly one begins to get the thrust of it.

The title is interesting and captures the orientation very well: Discovering Jesus Christ: The Path to Freedom. While the translator has done a remarkable job, there are a few places where, unfortunately, she did not get it. One of them is the subtitle "A Christian Education Program." The original French is "Project de formation a la vie chretienne". There is a significant difference between the two. I find the English translation quite misleading. (That must be the former teacher in me, I guess.)

Over the next little while I may try my hand on summarising the document in our bulletin. This is not meant as a substitute for reading it, but to encourage the reading of it and the chewing on it.

About 90 participants showed up for last Saturday's Diocesan Liturgy Workshop. There were about 12 from the English parishes. What originated the workshop was the Pastoral Message of our bishop that he presented to the Gatineau-Hull Diocese at this year's Chrism Mass. The Bishop started the workshop with giving the highlights of his Pastoral Message. Then we split up in different workshops, one of which was for those who came from English parishes. Some questions were prepared that served as discussion starters which enabled us to sort of digest the main points of the bishop's Pastoral Message. At the end each group was to identify two areas in which we felt continued formation is called for.

Why this sort of work? The church's liturgy is one of those four poles that make up parish life. It is not something the priest does and that we simply attend. We all participate in it. As Zita Maier says in last week's Prairie Messenger: "Liturgy is not a spectator sport. The people in the pews are not an audience. They are participants. It is an ongoing challenge. We are dealing with a culture that tends to have us tune out because we're not being entertained."

The Diocesan Pastoral Council is seeking a representative from the English Parishes. It meets nine times per year and its meetings are conducted in French, but our representative is welcome to speak in English. In other words, a functional bilingualism is required.

The next meetings are November 10 and December 8.

A group of artists meets Mondays, 7:00-9:00 p.m. in O.L.V. hall - there is no teacher. Cost is $2.00 per evening.

All are welcome!

Sponsored by Country Club 2000 Saturday, November 6, 10:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m., Legion Hall, Joseph Street.

All are welcome!

The O.L.V. Society needs a convenor for the December 4th Christmas Tea. Perhaps you, or you and some friends would like to take on this project. If so, please call Evelyn at 986-2477 or the parish office at 986-3763.

Weekly Receipts O.L.V. St. Malachy  
$630   THANK YOU!
Propagation of Faith

Rectory 490 Charles Street
Gatineau, Québec J8L 2K5
Telephone (819) 986-3763
Secretary Monday and Thursday 1:00-4:00 p.m.

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