Bulletin for the week of March 6th - 12th, 2005.
A sincere welcome to those who are new among us. We hope you find a warm and welcoming faith-home with us. Please introduce yourself after Mass and call the Rectory to register. FOURTH SUNDAY IN LENT (A) MARCH 06, 2005
: LENT - WE CLIMB THE HOLY MOUNTAIN OF EASTER: This is not simply a remembering of an event that took place almost 2000 years ago. Rather, it is a bringing into focus and celebrating what is taking place now: Christ's dying and rising in us who are this Body ever so slowly as we are on our way to full sharing in Christ's glory. Of course, it is still a few weeks away, but why not make plans to make sure that the Three Great Days (Holy Thursday, Good Friday, Holy Saturday/Easter Sunday) do not simply pass by or are another long weekend. If at any time of the year it should be visible that we are Christians, it is on these Three Great Days with their special services:
Let us make sure to be part of these services, because they concern the very meaning and purpose of life as we Christians see it. The Jews can do this sort of thing; the Muslims can do it; we as Christians have very good reasons to do it too! AS PART OF PREPARATION FOR EASTER - RECONCILIATION/CONFESSION: The individual way of celebrating God's forgiveness in our lives (by going to confession) has been a unique feature for us as Catholics. But that is no longer the case for many of us for a variety of reasons. Our bishop, at the urging of the Pope, asks us to take a second look at it, perhaps to re-discover its true meaning as a sacrament of conversion. We certainly would not want to lose it as an important means to have Jesus Christ grow on us. That is why anyone can approach a priest at any time for this sacrament of God's forgiveness. God's forgiveness can also be celebrated in a communal way. This communal celebration is not meant as an easy substitute for the individual confession. Both forms complement one another. In the communal celebration we reflect together on how we as individuals but also as a faith community stand in need of God's mercy and forgiveness. And as a community we celebrate in thanksgiving God's unmerited grace and forgiveness. Individual Confessions:
Communal Penitential/Reconciliation Service:
THE DEVELOPMENT AND PEACE "SHARE LENT" COLLECTION: After last Sunday's Mass a group of children met to see whether it is possible to do something with the Passion narrative for Palm Sunday. It would help the project if we had a few "older" children too. One of the things they did was making candles in connection with Jesus as the light of the world. When I came back from St. Al's in Gatineau, I found about ten candles they had made. Thank you very much. I'll use them for my "prayer corner" in my house. PLEASE PRAY for Mike Murphy who died recently. May he rest in the peace of Christ. Our sympathy to his family. O.L.K. SHRINE MEETING:Monday, March 7th, 7:30 p.m. LITURGY COMMITTEE MEETING: ARTISTS: ST. PATRICK'S DANCE: ST. PATRICK'S TEA: RAFFLE:
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