Bulletin for the week of August 28th - September 3rd, 2005.
A sincere welcome to those who are new among us. We hope you find a warm and welcoming faith-home with us. Please introduce yourself after Mass and call the Rectory to register. TWENTY-SECOND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME AUGUST 28th, 2005
Congratilations to all those who organized the event and who made it happen. What dedication! All the hard work paid off. A warm thank you for all the effort. We hope that at the faith level, the event was a success too. That is, of course, difficult to measure. Still, one could not help but sense a profound devotion with which those present participated in the different events: a much appreciated and welcome faith-builder. LET US MAKE SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 18 SPECIAL :
As a build-up to that launch you will find next Sunday a "contraption" at the entrance of the church that, at first, may look strange, but that is very much in line with what as followers of Jesus Christ we are people on a journey. NEXT BAPTISM TO BE CELEBRATED ON OCTOBER 2ND:
Over the past little while, we have arrived at a schedule that sees us celebrate baptism on five designated Sundays throughout the year: The last Sunday in September; the feast of Christ the King which is the Sunday before Advent begins; the last Sunday before Lent begins; the second Sunday of Easter; and a Sunday in the second half of June. That gives us an opportunity to properly prepare for it. The actual preparation for each Baptism consists of three sessions with the parents who have requested that their children be baptized. It is not meant as a "preparation course", but rather we reflect in three evening sessions on the significance of what the parents request for their children. It is all part of the different times in which we live. Not all Catholic parents feel the need any more to have their children baptized. Those who do make a deliberate choice, a choice that as a parish community we want to respect and support in the form of getting together with them in the hope that the Baptism of their child may become a welcome opportunity for the parents to take a second and adult look at the faith that motivated then to have their child baptized. Does this sort of preparation have any recognizable results? It is hard to measure that. But at least we try to sow some seeds that may bring forth fruits----. At any rate, the next baptism will be celebrated on October 2nd. The preparation sessions begin Monday September 12 to be followed by September 19 and 26. The children to be baptized on October 2 will be introduced to and welcomed by the parish community at our Sunday Eucharist of September 25th. Naturally all parishioners will want to support this journey-in-faith with their prayerful interest. PARISHIONERS OF ST. MALACHY - PLEASE NOTE THAT THERE IS NO MASS ON SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 17TH:
You have until Sunday, September 11th to register your team by calling Ken at 986-3166 or by filling out the form on the Church bulletin board. (Teams of 8 -12 players required). Captains are asked to be there at 7:00 p.m. and games begin at 7:15 p.m. REMINDER: - A refreshment bar will be on site, therefore, no children under 18 years of age will be allowed. Make this a successful evening by coming out to play. BIRTHDAY WISHES TO:
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