Bulletin for the week of September 18th - 24th, 2005.
A sincere welcome to those who are new among us. We hope you find a warm and welcoming faith-home with us. Please introduce yourself after Mass and call the Rectory to register. TWENTY-FIFTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME SEPTEMBER 18TH, 2005
The basic question is : How are we today to live from and offer to others the Gospel of Jesus Christ? A tough question for which there are no easy answers. What the document does is outline the basic orientation for the next 10-15 years for our diocese. It is realistic and humble enough not to give pre-packaged answers. It is more inspirational in nature. That is why one cannot say "Oh, I have read it" and then leave it at that It needs to be read over and over again, and then slowly one begins to get the thrust of it. The title is interesting and captures the orientation very well: Discovering Jesus Christ: The Path to Freedom: Yes, indeed Jesus Christ stands at the center of everything. What does he bring not first for the afterlife, but for the human project that we all are engaged in in different ways? Why would we "bother with him" as we try to shape our day to day lives?"THE FOUR POLES OF PARISH LIFE": WHAT IS THAT? In the above mentioned document, mention is made of the four poles of parish life. Some may wonder what that is all about. Parish life is more than Sunday Mass, baptisms, funerals, weddings, some social activities, preparation for sacraments. All these are important, but where do they fit. As church, as parish, as men and women baptized in Jesus' name, we have a mission to fulfill: Christ's mission. Christ cannot accomplish his mission today without us who are his Body. We accomplish that mission of Christ in four clusters of activities that together make up parish life:
These four areas of parish life are not four separate departments (everyone protecting their own turf): rather, they are interdependent, feeding each other. A parish cannot do without anyone of the four; a parish where one or more of these are weak or absent is not a healthy parish. At the same time, a parish where a few "do it all" is flawed as well. Of course, we need leadership, but baptized in Jesus' name we all want to take good care of the four areas that make up parish life. After all what is at stake is the mission of Jesus Christ that he has entrusted to us and for which he has promised us his Spirit. COLLECTION ON SEPTEMBER 25TH: "WHERE HAVE THOSE PEWS GONE": It is not a matter of simply having removed a few pews. Look what you find there in their place. We attach great importance to the material that is displayed there. Yes, there is a fair bit of material for children, but it would be unfortunate if we only looked at it as the "kids corner". There is a lot of other stuff there for which there is no adequate space at the entrance of the church. So take a bit of time to browse through it. And if you find something that catches your interest and that you want to take a closer look at home, please leave a note that you have taken it home and return it in due time. We trust that everyone will adhere to that. If you have any ideas on how to improve and make a display area more effective, we would love to hear from you. HARVEST SUPPER: OLV WARDENS MEETING: OLK SHRINE MEETING: PAINTING SESSIONS: CONGRATULATIONS TO:
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