Bulletin for the week of November 6th - 12th, 2005.
A sincere welcome to those who are new among us. We hope you find a warm and welcoming faith-home with us. Please introduce yourself after Mass and call the Rectory to register. THIRTY-SECOND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME NOVEMBER 6TH, 2005
NOVEMBER - THE MONTH IN WHICH WE REMEMBER THE DECEASED You will see for all the month of November, or at least until Advent starts, the so-called Book of life at the front of the church. The Book of Life contains the names of deceased parishioners and relatives. Some additional pages are provided at the back of the book for that purpose, unless you decide to make up your own page. It is one way of expressing our faith that the dead find peace with God and will be raised to life when the Lord Jesus comes in glory. The Book is placed next to the Easter Candle which speaks of the ultimate victory of life over death, of light over darkness, in the dead and risen Jesus in which we are called to share. THAT WAS A REAL GOOD SUPPER! THANK YOU! One aspect of the event deserves also mention: the beautiful cooperation between members of both parishes. No fuss. The work simply got done. Many thanks to those who put on the supper. And many thanks too to those who supported the event by participating and enjoying the fellowship and the supper. NEXT SATURDAY NOVEMBER 12th - ENGLISH PARISHES MEET For the latter we received from the bishop a little document Discovering Jesus Christ: The path to freedom Over the last year, individual parishes and the Zone Pastoral Council have spent a fair bit of time on getting a handle on the document. The going is tough, because it asks from us that we find new ways of making the Gospel of Jesus Christ present in the world that has undergone and is still undergoing drastic changes. So let us get our heads and our hearts together: PC members, Wardens, members of parish committees, all parish Ministries, interested parishioners Together we can accomplish more than when we stay on the sidelines. WHEN: Saturday November 12 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon Where: Our Lady of Annunciation Parish Hall. 109 rue Archambault , Hull sector What: “Wrestling” with the document and some other items.BAPTISM IN JESUS NAME: (5) What about Moses? Look at his name: Moses means “taken out of the water.” That refers to the incident following his birth when he is put in a basket to float in the Nile and then picked up by Pharaoh’s daughter. That often happens in the Bible. You get a name that evokes your mission in life, your speciality. Moses’ mission in life is to lead captive Israel out of Egypt through the Red Sea into the land of freedom. It is the great story of the Exodus, where Moses as God’s servant brings captive people to freedom. If we attend to the symbolism of the raging waters, then it is Moses mission to provide a safe passage through all the hostile powers that threaten Israel and to bring them safely home. That is the reason why the Jews always speak of God as the one who brought them out of slavery through his servant Moses. By the way, that is also the reason why that story of Exodus plays such an important role in the readings of the Easter Vigil. What is the link? Moses foreshadows Jesus Christ as the New Moses. In his dying and rising Jesus Christ as the New Moses leads us from the darkness of sin and death into the light of God’s grace and life. In his submitting, momentarily, to the hostile power of sin and death in his own death Jesus Christ, in his being raised from the dead, overcomes all the hostile powers for our sake. And that is precisely what we celebrate in baptism. We give ourselves over to our New Moses, to Jesus Christ. We are made with him so that with and through him we may find our home with God. This also serves as an explanation for our preference to celebrate baptism by immersion Let us be honest, a few drops of water on the fore head (while valid) can in no way express adequately the immersion reality of baptism. “They just don’t cut it,” as they say. Drowning in Jesus Christ brings salvation! We die with Christ Jesus in the waters of baptism in order to be raised with and through Jesus Christ to fullness of life. In that sense, it can be said of us too what was said of the earlier Moses: “we are taken out of the water. OUR SYMPATHY TO: BIRTHDAY WISHES TO: HARVEST SUPPER: WATER: LIFE BEFORE PROFIT! Thanks also to those who took the time to hear Linda Cameron’s presentation of her exposure trip to El Salvador.
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