
Our Lady of Victory |
St. Malachy |
Sunday - 9:00 A.M. |
Saturday - 7:00 P.M. |
F O O D F O R T H E W E E K |
Reading I |
Jonah 1 3:1-5, 10 (conversion of Nineveh) |
Reading II |
1 Corinthians 6:13-15,17-20 (against sexual immortality) |
Gospel |
Mark 1:14-20 (call of the first disciples) |
Key Passage |
Now after John was arrested, Jesus came to Galilee, proclaiming the good news of God, and saying, “The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God has come near; repent, and believe in the good news.” (Mark 1:14-15) |
Adult | What part of your lile is Jesus calling you to change right now? |
Pastor |
William Marrevee s.c.j. |
Email |
Rectory |
490 Charles Street
Gatineau, Québec J8L 2K5 |
Secretary |
Monday and Thursday 1:00 - 4:00 p.m. |
Telephone |
(819) 986-3763 |
Fax |
(819) 986-9889 |
A sincere welcome to those who are new among us. We hope you find a warm and welcoming faith-home with us. Please introduce yourself after Mass and call the Rectory to register.
WED. |
Jan. 25 - 9:00 a.m. |
Bertina Gorman by Jean Chartrand |
SAT. |
Jan. 28 - 7:00 p.m. |
Charles Pearson by his wife |
SUN. |
Jan. 29 - 9:00 a.m. |
Bill Cameron (34th anniversary) and Mally Cameron
(19th anniversary) by Nan
Mildred Kearnan by Ambrose & Dolly Butler
Gary Simpson (1st anniversary) by Ken & Monique
The scandal of dis-unity between Christian churches is still a reality. This week we pray more urgently that Jesus Christ may show us the way and lead us to reconciliation. We still have far to go. At the same time, we recognize that, for example, between Anglican and Roman Catholics. Between the Orthodox churches and the Roman Catholic church, between Lutherans and Roman Catholics the differences are not as huge as we once thought they were. If we were a bit more deeply rooted in Jesus Christ we might be able to overcome the still remaining differences.
This week’s theme for the week of Christian Unity is “Gathered in My Name.” It is taken from Matthew 18:20. It is unfortunate and even shameful that throughout Christian history many things have been done that resemble neither his teaching nor the way set forward
in his living and dying. Jesus brought love on earth, not hostility. It is a self-giving, suffering love, one that “bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.” If that love of his were indeed the source from which we drew as individual Christians and Churches, there is no question that all dividing differences would fade. What a blessing it would be for all Christian Churches, but even more importantly for our world, if our lives and all Christian Churches were steeped in that love of Christ.
That is the document our bishop presented to his Gatineau Church on the feast of Pentecost 2004. In it the bishop spells out the basic pastoral orientation for our diocese for the next 10-15 years.
On November 12th representatives from the English speaking parishes met for a workshop where we dealt with the basic concepts of the document mentioned above. In last week’s bulletin you found a summary of the presentation of the way the first concept was introduced at that workshop. “Moving from the practice of preparing for sacraments to the practice of learning to live a Christian life.”
Here follows the summary presentation of the second basic concept:
The four practices of the Christian Life, of Church life
“Learning to live a Christian Life?” Ok, sure …As Christians, we assume we want to ‘follow Christ’: But how do we live in a real world deliberately choosing Christ as our guide, our compass and our path. The same question was asked 2000 years ago. ”They remained faithful to the teachings of the apostles and to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to the prayers” (Acts 2:42 ). Together they went to the Temple , shared their food, praised God: and day by day the Lord added to their community. It wasn’t a God-for-me-attitude, nor about catechism, nor was it limited to what ‘we do at church’. It was a community effort in living and breathing Jesus Christ where life is lived.
And 2000 years later we don’t intend to reinvent any wheels! What we do already have in place, ready and begging for the taking?
In our LITURGY, that sacred space where we come together every week, to be nourished at both the table of the Word and the table of the Eucharist: our food for the journey, our source and summit.
In our FAITH FORMATION, assembling together in a space where Jesus is readily available to us in manageable bite-sized-chunks- to take in and to take on in the real world where we need him the most.
In the TRANSFORMATION of Society, right in the midst of he ordinary every day, where current events happen. We make our faith truly alive precisely by examining and dealing with those events – very deliberately using that Compass, Guide and Path to freedom.
So through our FELLOWHIP, where we are called to share our lives in Jesus with each other – connected by our very Baptism – we support each other, growing more and more alive in the process. See the interconnectedness of these areas! They work together to direct and support our Christian lives, very naturally allowing us to spread that Kingdom stuff to the rest of the world we touch. |
How we prepare our younger members of the parish for First Communion is quite different from the way most of us experienced it is in the past. The time that “the school looked after it” is definitely passed. So we have to finds new ways. That is quite a challenge. We have put a process in place for this year that reflects our searching. It is a mixture of sessions with children and parents and also of participating in our Sunday Eucharist.
The parents now have the schedule. More important than the actual dates are the two preliminary remarks which we copy here in our bulletin. The purpose of putting them here is to have all parishioners reflect the challenges we face.
The way we proceed is different from the way it was done in the past. That is due to the following factors:
- Preparation for Sacraments on its own accomplishes very little. If it is to accomplish its real purpose, it has to be part of something more important, namely Formation to Christian Life. That is why our Bishop urges us to move from the practice of preparing for sacraments to the practice of forming to Christian Life. To make that switch is not easy. It can only be done in small steps.
- This is not for children only. We are moving beyond the special sessions for children only, isolated from the rest of the family and from the rest of the parish community. We are introducing younger members of our parish community into faith practices that are important to their elders and to the wider community to which they belong. Their elders and the wider parish community have a stake in it.
The schedule of sessions proposed here still borrows heavily from our previous way of doing things. But there are a few wrinkles that put us on the way to a more wholesome approach.
Since last week a few hard working parishioners have been at work in my office and kitchen. And they have done a great job. For the office they removed the wall paper, patched up the walls and painted them a nice green. In the kitchen the wall paper was removed as well, but the toughest part was the new floor. What a difference!
Thanks a lot for putting the money into this project, but above all for the time, effort, skill, and good cheer that went into doing the work in such a professional way. The outcome of the hard work is much appreciated.
- Birthday wishes to Pearl French who celebrated her birthday on January 15th.
- Congratulations to Joe & Lucille Allen who celebrated their 55th wedding anniversary on January 20th.
Pancake Breakfast. Tickets will be on sale next Sunday January 29th.
Please drop a self-addressed envelope in the collection basket.
Weekly Receipts |
O.L.V. |
St. Malachy |
Jan. 15 Regular |
$ 547 |
$ 203 |