
Our Lady of Victory |
St. Malachy |
Sunday - 9:00 A.M. |
Saturday - 7:00 P.M. |
F O O D F O R T H E W E E K |
Reading I |
Deuteronomy 18:15-20(a prophet like Moses) |
Reading II |
1 Corinthians 7:32-35(the state of virginity) |
Gospel |
Mark 1:21-28 (cure of a demoniac) |
Key Passage |
They were astounded at his teaching, for he taught them as one having authority, and not as the scribes.” (Mark 1:22) |
Adult | What can you tell others about Jesus with the most assurance? |
Pastor |
William Marrevee s.c.j. |
Email |
Rectory |
490 Charles Street
Gatineau, Québec J8L 2K5 |
Secretary |
Monday and Thursday 1:00 - 4:00 p.m. |
Telephone |
(819) 986-3763 |
Fax |
(819) 986-9889 |
A sincere welcome to those who are new among us. We hope you find a warm and welcoming faith-home with us. Please introduce yourself after Mass and call the Rectory to register.
WED. |
Feb. 01 - 9:00 a.m. |
Nell McGurn by Jack & Elaine |
SAT. |
Feb. 04 - 7:00 p.m. |
James Miller by Vera Gauthier & family |
SUN. |
Feb. 05 - 9:00 a.m. |
Nell McGurn (1st anniversary) by the family
Marvin Green by Peter & Penny Dunlop
Francois Pion by Phil & Dorothy Casey
Over the last year the above title has appeared a number of times in our bulletin. It is all part of the attempt to get hold of and digest the vision of the document, a vision that gives direction to the pastoral orientation in our diocese for the next 10-15 years,
Last November representatives from the English speaking parishes took another stab at that document. This time it was around four basic concepts that seem to sort of summaries the document. Here follows the third of these basic concepts:
Parishes becoming “Schools of Catechesis”
What is catechesis (apart from being a strange word)?
It could be described as instruction, as formation in the Christian life in such a way that it touches every aspect of our personal and social life. Its ultimate aim is to promote an ever growing communion with Jesus Christ so that what Jesus Christ lived for and still lives for, namely the Kingdom of God. Becomes in fact what we as Christians live for. It is sort of apprenticeship, training, initiation in the Christian life.
When the bishop calls for parishes to become schools of catechesis, he does not mean to send us back to school. Rather, what he calls for is that parishes become the places, the communities where that sort of catechesis is done not just by special programs (although they are not excluded), but above all by what they make of the four poles of parish life.
These four poles of parish life are the channels through which the parish community fulfills the mission that Jesus Christ has given to the Church. It is through them that the parish community concretely lives from, celebrates, and proposes the salvation that we receive in and through Jesus Christ; that is to say an authentic, hope-filled and happy life. Here is where the faith is lived that enables us to grow and journey in communion with Jesus Christ to the father through the Spirit.
The wager is that by having the four poles “in operation”, the parishes and their members are catechizing and are being catechized. |
How we prepare our younger members of the parish for First Communion is quite different from the way most of us experienced it is in the past. The time that “the school looked after it” is definitely passed. So we have to finds new ways. That is quite a challenge. We have put a process in place for this year that reflects our searching. It is a mixture of sessions with children and parents and also of participating in our Sunday Eucharist.
The parents now have the schedule. More important than the actual dates are the two preliminary remarks which we copy here in our bulletin. The purpose of putting them here is to have all parishioners reflect the challenges we face.
The way we proceed is different from the way it was done in the past. That is due to the following factors:
- Preparation for Sacraments on its own accomplishes very little. If it is to accomplish its real purpose, it has to be part of something more important, namely Formation to Christian Life. That is why our Bishop urges us to move from the practice of preparing for sacraments to the practice of forming to Christian Life. To make that switch is not easy. It can only be done in small steps.
- This is not for children only. We are moving beyond the special sessions for children only, isolated from the rest of the family and from the rest of the parish community. We are introducing younger members of our parish community into faith practices that are important to their elders and to the wider community to which they belong. Their elders and the wider parish community have a stake in it.
The schedule of sessions proposed here still borrows heavily from our previous way of doing things. But there are a few wrinkles that put us on the way to a more wholesome approach.
Our apologies for an oversight. Two wardens at St. Malachy have completed their 3-year term as wardens at St. Malachy: Leila Corrigan and Lorraine McDermid. As this was their first term, they can serve for a second 3-year term. They both have agreed to take that second 3-year term. However, if there are other parishioners willing to stand for the position of warden, they should let Joan Teske, the president of the wardens, know not later than next Saturday, February 4. In that case we need to have an election.
The Episcopal Commission for Social Affairs has written a Pastoral Letter on Immigration and the Protection of refugees. It took us a little longer than expected to get copies of. Now they have arrived.
Yes, as Catholics we have a view on immigration and refugees that may in some way differ from what “everybody else thinks.” For us some important principles of our Church’s social doctrine come into play. We may want these principles to guide and shape our thinking on these issues.
The title of the document is” WE ARE ALIENS AND TRANSIENTS BEFORE THE LORD.” Copies are available at the entrance to the Church.
- for their generous donation of $100 to the Parish of St. Malachy towards their heating expenses.
Birthday Wishes to Eileen Jeffrey who will celebrate her birthday on February 5th.
Pancake Breakfast. Tickets are on sale.
New members are welcome. If you would like to join, please contact Betty at 986-2378, or Evelyn at 986-2477. Choir practices will now be held on Thursday Evenings at 7:00 p.m.
New members are needed for the Executive. All Parishioners are welcome. For more information please contact Evelyn at 986-2477
The Society is also looking for a Convener for the St. Patrick’s Day Tea.
Please drop a self-addressed envelope in the collection basket.
Weekly Receipts |
O.L.V. |
St. Malachy |
Jan. 15 Regular |
$ 547 |
$ 273 |
Jan. 22 Regular |
545 |
162 |
Jan. 15 Fuel |
363 |
136 |