
Our Lady of Victory |
St. Malachy |
Sunday - 9:00 A.M. |
Saturday - 7:00 P.M. |
F O O D F O R T H E W E E K |
Reading I |
Genesis 9:8-15 |
Responsorial Psalm |
Your Ways, O Lord, are love and truth. |
Reading II |
1 Peter 3:18-22 |
Gospel |
Mark 1:12-15 |
Adult |
1. |
God’s covenant through Noah included all creatures. In what ways has your life been blessed by the gifts of creation? In what ways could you take better care of the world in which we live? |
2. |
Peter speaks of the Baptism we have received. How does your baptism affect your daily living? How would your life be different if you had not been baptized? |
3. |
If we only had Mark’s account, how would you think Satan might have tempted Jesus right after baptism? What temptations make it difficult for you to live out your own baptismal commitment? |
Pastor |
William Marrevee s.c.j. |
Email |
Rectory |
490 Charles Street
Gatineau, Québec J8L 2K5 |
Secretary |
Monday and Thursday 1:00 - 4:00 p.m. |
Telephone |
(819) 986-3763 |
Fax |
(819) 986-9889 |
A sincere welcome to those who are new among us. We hope you find a warm and welcoming faith-home with us. Please introduce yourself after Mass and call the Rectory to register.
WED. |
Mar. 08 - 9:00 a.m. |
All Parishioners of both parishes by the Pastor |
SAT. |
Mar. 11 - 7:00 p.m. |
Agathe Somers 6th Anniversary by Wilbert & family
Aileen Monaghan Kane 3rd Anniversary by the family |
SUN. |
Mar. 12 - 9:00 a.m. |
Julia McNamara by Evelyn & Jean-Paul Robitaille
Mr. & Mrs. John Laluck by Mary Doherty & family
Bernard Belter 6th Anniversary by Veronica & family
We have begun the 90-day period that is crucial for us Christians. We spend 40 days (Lent) in preparation for the Three Great Days of Christ’s Death and resurrection (Easter Tridium) after which, for 50 days, we celebrate Christ’s victory over darkness, sin and death (Easter season closing at Pentecost). That explains the 40-3-50 which will mark our Sunday Bulletins until June 4th.
The 90-day period has everything to do with the shaping of our identity as Christians, we want to make it count! ’’Becoming more Christ-like” and “having Christ come to perfection in us” that is what we are about. Only God’s grace can accomplish that in us.
Imagine if we dared to say of Lent being the season in which Jesus Christ grows on us --- instead of saying that Lent is about giving up something---.
Finding appropriate images to capture the Lenten spirit is a bit of a challenge, but the ones you see up front in the church may serve the purpose. One banner depicts a pilgrim, a mountain climber guided by the Spirit. That is us as we make our way to Easter. What is the baggage we bring with us? The three traditional Lenten practices of praying, fasting and almsgiving as depicted in the other banner.
Prayer: |
The Sunday liturgies provide the basic orientation for Lent. That is why it
makes a lot of sense to take the Living with Christ Sunday Missal home instead of letting them collect dust in the Church. Having the Missals home we have an opportunity during the week to check either last Sunday’s or
next Sunday’s Scripture Readings.
Fasting: |
During Lent we could refrain from some food, from a drink, from a party,
from a video as a gesture of solidarity with those who have no choice in
these matters for the simple reason that they do not have them. This sort of fasting can also be done to show that we can distance ourselves from so much of what our consumer society says we need.
Alms: |
This flows naturally from the previous two practices. Alms-giving says we
care for others even to the point of depriving ourselves from something. How
about making the money we save this way into our contribution to the
special “Development and Peace” Lenten collection that will be held later
on in Lent? Keep in mind the empty rain barrel at the entrance of the
church. |
Pope Benedict‘s first encyclical letter God is love was really warmly received around the world both from religious and secular press. He really succeeded in having us focus on
the centrality of God’s love for us and how that motivates us in turn to love others. Why
not take the opportunity of the Lenten time of prayer and reflection to read and meditate
on this document? To help us grasp key messages in it, the Pastoral Council has invited Joe Gunn, former Director of the Social Affairs office of the Canadian Council of Catholic Bishops, to present the document and comment on its applications in our lives, on Monday, March 13th, 7:30-9:00 p.m. at St. Aloysius church hall. Please plan to attend and invite friends and neighbors!
The barrel at the entrance of the church may surprise us. It is part of the”Lenten” décor.
Popularly, Lent is easily linked with ‘’giving up something”. Surely, there must be more to Lent than “giving up something”. There must be a purpose for it. Otherwise, there is the danger that it is merely negative and self-centered.
Here is where Development and Peace, The Canadian Catholic Relief Agency, comes
into the picture. If part of the Lenten effort is to deprive ourselves of something, then we can put the money we save that way to use. After all, there are so many in our world, especially in the developing world, who lack so many of the things that we have in abundance.
In that light, the rain barrel can become a helpful image. It becomes a source of life for those who thirst for the necessities of life. We can meet them with our attempts to cut down on some of the things we have plenty of. In that case, our Lenten effort becomes positive and other-centered.
Many thanks to those who took the initiative, organized it, prepared it, served it. It was lots of work, but well worth it. Much appreciated!
And many thanks as well to those who participated and enjoyed it. Yes, the food was good, but so was the fellowship that resulted from sharing it in such great numbers.
All in all, a successful undertaking. The total proceeds from the breakfast were $992.This was divided equally between the two parishes.
The Society is looking for a Convener for the St. Patrick’s Day Tea.
The tea will take place on March 18. For more information please contact Evelyn at
- To the Bastien family on the loss of their mother Charlotte.
ST. PATRICK’S DAY DANCE - Friday, March 17th - 8:30pm – 1:00am
To be held at the Centre Recreatif Julie/Chantal (Charlie’s) on the 315. Admission is $6:00. Irish and Country Music will be provided by Country Hill Band (Clifford Daly). Sponsored by the Buckingham Canada Day Committee. For tickets please call 281-5487 or 986-3534.
ST. COLUMBAN ST. PATRICK’S DAY PARTY - Saturday, March 18th:
St. Columban Mission is having a St. Patrick’s Day Party, March 18th at the Royal Canadian Legion, 231 Maloney Blvd. in Gatineau. Live band & refreshments. Tickets are $8:00 and are available from Blaise Foley (561-1038) or at 986-3534.
Weekly Receipts |
O.L.V. |
St. Malachy |
Feb. 26 (Regular) |
$ 688 |
$ 219 |
Feb. 26 (Fuel) |
520 |
132 |