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The General Directory for Catechesis tells us that the Christian faith is, above all, conversion to Jesus and is a conscious decision to walk in his footsteps. By this active commitment to think like him, to judge like him and to live as he lived, we become a disciple of him and join others like us, to become a community of disciples.

So what does it mean to be this “community of disciples”? We are called to be the sign of God’s gift, which is love, and are called to witness to this love through attitudes of welcome, respect and reciprocity, with the gift of self, of devotion and compassion, through attitudes of solidarity with the most vulnerable in society, with peace and joy through hardships, solitude, and poverty and by contemplation.

A tall order alone perhaps, but this witnessing is supported by the entire community of Christ’s disciples through a shared faith, fraternity, prayer and commitment. It is welcoming, collaborating, supporting and accompanying, involving people of all ages, of all backgrounds, together, mutually witnessing, growing and maturing their faith.

By recalling the attitudes taught by Jesus – that spirit of simplicity and humility, concern for the least among the brethren, particular attention for those who are alienated, fraternal correction, common prayer, mutual forgiveness, and fraternal love – we both deepen our faith and spread the Good News.

Through community life, reflection and commitment, we foster the existence of a community that, through what it lives, believes and celebrates, becomes the specific school of catechesis. By our baptism, all members of the parish community have received the responsibility to live out and to bear witness to our faith. All persons – of all age groups, of varying social status – each with our own particular talents and gifts, bring one another love and support.

Becoming a Christian includes meeting the Christian community and gradually sharing its life experiences. There are so many ways to become involved in the Christian experience, so many possible meeting places, and there is plenty to do for everyone: from the experienced pastoral counselor to the shy witness who has never spoken out. We are all called to share along the way.

Taken from:
Orientations for the Formation for a Christian Life;
Assembly of Quebec Bishops, October 2002

The Diocesan Catechetical Project – A Journey with Christ to the Father in the Spirit;
Archdiocese of Gatineau-Hull, October 2003.

Discovering Jesus Christ the Path to Freedom
Archdiocese of Gatineau-Hull, May 2004.

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