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Our Lady of Victory / St. Malachy
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Fundraising Ideas

The OLV Wardens would like to publicly acknowledge the generosity of the following donors:
Lions Club $   4,000
Brookfield Renewable Power 3,000
Tom & Isabelle Laframboise 2,000
Les Soeurs de la Visitation d’Ottawa 2,000
Valentine's Dance 1,640
Estate of Lowell & Rose Carriere 1,000
Caisse Populaire de la Basse-Lièvre 1,000
Anonymous Donor 1,000
OLV Society 800
Knights of Columbus 800
Hugh McFaul 500
Kathy Carriere Horton 500
Phillip D'Aoust (Junior) 300
Heart and Soul Gospel Choir 300
Anonymous Donor 300
Ladies of the Country Club 2000 200
Anonymous Donor 200
Anonymous Donor 200
Anonymous Donor 200
Anonymous Donor 200
Arlene Brunke 100
Résidence Sérenité J.D.K. 100
Paul Jeffrey 100
Betty Bisson 100
Agnes Ducharme 100
Anonymous Donor 100
Anonymous Donor 100
Total Donations to Date:                $ 20,840
Amount Needed:                $ 18,000

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© Copyright 2024 Our Lady of Victory / St-Malachy Site
490 Charles Street • Gatineau • Quebec • J8L 2K5
Telephone: (819) 986-3763
Website powered by Red Line Services