The Liturgy Committee is comprised of a number of parishioners from both parishes who, together with the pastor, look after and coordinate all that pertains to the liturgical life of the two parishes. They meet 5-6 times a year and at their meetings, they assess the quality of our liturgical celebrations, reflect on the strong points and the weak areas, and prepare for the different seasons of the church’s liturgical year.
Liturgical ministries:
- Lectors - Proclaim the Word of God at our liturgical celebrations.
- Ministers of hospitality/greeters/ushers - Greet and assist fellow parishioners before mass, welcome new parishioners and visitors, assist with the collection during mass, assist during the communion procession, assist with Sunday bulletin after mass.
- Assistants/Servers - Assist the presiding priest during Mass.
- Eucharistic Ministers - Distribute communion. Some volunteers bring communion to the homebound.
- Choir - Leads the singing of the congregation during liturgical celebrations. Members may be of all ages.
- Décor - Our worship space can be properly enhanced with flowers and plants in the course of the year. We make an attempt to make our worship space look different during the high seasons of the church’s liturgical year (Lent – Easter and Advent – Christmas). The assistance of parishioners with a bit of talent in that area is much appreciated.