OLV Wardens Meeting
15 April 2010
- Opening Prayer: led by Bill
- Approval of Minutes: Approved by Lyall, seconded by Phil
- Approval of Agenda: Approved by Phil, seconded by Agnes
- Administration Activities:
- Secretary’s Report - Nothing to report
- Treasurer’s Report - Will be tabled at next meeting
- Business Arising from Minutes:
- List of possible projects for volunteers
- Determine exactly what has to be done on the outside of the church (i.e. small painting jobs etc.)
- Possible church Benefit
- It was a possibility that Victor Laurin would drop by to provide details for a future event at the church.
- Zone Update
- Improvement has been seen for items for translation (i.e. Easter Message)
- Follow-up meeting at the end of April/May to review the structure of the English speaking zone.
- Web Site Changes
- Should have a brainstorming session.
- Have a meeting for anyone interested in the website.
- What other information should we have on the site. (i.e. pictures of events) Hall rentals, family history.
- Bill will call Ambrose to set up a meeting.
- Cemetary Updates
- Continue to put the notice in the Bulletin.
- If you bought a lot – there is a 10 year period.
- What about the 99 year lease?
- Jacques Foucault has a list. We will look at the English families on the list.
- Engraving update – (plaque in front of church)
- Bill Newton has a contact person that can do the plaque. (Cost $140- to do sometime in May)
- Display case in front of church
- Display pictures of events, parish suppers etc.
- Phil found a place in Ottawa ($160) – mounted on wall right side entering church.
- New Business:
- Spring Supper – May 28th
- Put notice of supper in church bulletin
- Raffle – 10 balloon per gift. $5.00 per ticket
- Ensure that the gifts are evenly distributed among the bundles of balloons for sale
- Put more people at the gift table to control the giving of the gifts at the end of the sale of balloons.
- Starts at 4:30, Ken and Phil at Bar, Diane to do the cash
- Lyall – prepare 200 tickets
- Susan to coordinate the food for the supper (donations of salads etc.)
- Bill and Ethel to sell tickets
- BBQ for raffle
- Need tank for balloons
- Ken – weights for balloons
- Prepare posters for church in Mayo and Friendship Club
- Pre-supper Meeting – May 13th at 6:30 p.m. (prior to Gospel Choir at 8:00 p.m.)
- ALPHA - Furnace
- Alpha will clean furnace end of May early June
- Talked about changing the thermostat. We will check the bills/statements for the # of liters used for 2009 and 2010 to compare.
- Gospel Choir
- Giving a concert on May 13th at 8:00 p.m.
- Free admission by donations accepted
- Dan’s transportation Cheque
- previously $35 will increase to $40. Resolution passed, proposed by Agnes, seconded by Phil. All in agreement.
- Use of garage
- Regis can use it – unless Fr. Gyan needs it.
- Buckingham Volunteer Organization
- Looking for office space for full time.
- Could use hall of conference room
- Next Meeting: May 20th, 2010
- Adjournment: Proposed by Agnes, seconded by Phil