OLV Wardens Meeting
17 June 2010
- Opening Prayer: Opening prayer led by Bill
- Approval of Minutes: Accepted by Susan, seconded by Agnes
- Approval of Agenda: Accepted by Phil , seconded by Lyall
- Administration Activities:
- Secretary’s Report
- Thank you note to Emile Lefebvre (METRO) for donations to parish supper
- Letter from Ann Price – resignation from Baptismal Committee
- Treasurer’s Report
- Nancy not at meeting for financial updates
- Costs for St. Malachy 1/3 – will pay $345 in Admin costs vs. $250 (per month)
- Business Arising from Minutes:
- Final report - Spring Supper
- Finanacial update provided by Bill
- Bar - Cases of beer available for Harvest Supper
- Analysis of oil usage
- temperature control apparatus installed has saved us money
- when above 15 degrees outside the furnace shuts off
- positive results that we have savings in liters and costs
- Web site
- Put more information on the site to get more people to visit the site
- Bill to contact Ambrose
- Lyall is still interested in assisting with the Web site maintenance
- Painting of Church/Rectory
- Put a date together in August
- List of things to be painted
- Phil and Diane to look at fixing the lecture area
- Display Case
- Estimated cost $360 (24 x36)
- Seems quite high, will look at other options
- New Business:
- Financial Reimbursement of Admin Costs – St. Malachy’s
- Costs for St. Malachy 1/3 – will pay $345 in Admin costs vs. $250 (per month)
- Financial Statement 2009
- Motion to pass financial statement – Approved by Susan, seconded by Agnes
- $51, 000 in bank (true deficit $17,000)
- No capital expenses for 2010
- Furnace
- When ALPHA here, noticed safety valve has to be changed ($80 per hour & parts)
- Chairperson of the Fabrique
- Bill’s term up – but he will continue for another 3 years
- Harvest Supper
- To be held Friday, October 29th
- Menu: Chicken breasts (1 pce per person) vegtables etc.
- Susan to get them when on sale
- Marilyn working on the quilt.
- Lyall tickets end of September $15.00 Adults (prepare 170)
- Father Gyan
- Father Gyan’s bishop will be here June 26th and 27th. He will be at the mass in Mayo and Buckingham.
- Heart and Soul singers will sing will sing with our choir. They will sing three songs.
- Next Meeting: September 16th, 2010
- Adjournment: Meeting adjourned by Susan, seconded by Bill