OLV Wardens Meeting
18 November 2010
In Attendance: |
Bill, Susan, Phil, Ken, Lyall, Gail and Agnes |
Absent: |
- Opening Prayer: Led by Bill
- Approval of Minutes: Approved by Phil, seconded by Ken
- Approval of Agenda: Approved by Susan, seconded by Ken
- Administration Activities:
- Secretary’s Report
- Letter to Lion’s Club – request for financial assistance for roofing project
- Letter to Knights of Columbus - request for financial assistance for roofing project
- Letter to TV22 – a $75.00 donation from Our Lady of Victory Parish
- Letter to Raymond Fuels – acceptance of their submission for heating oil for Nov 1/10 to Oct. 31/11
- Treasurer’s Report
- Financial Statement provided by Nancy – period of Jan 1/10 to Nov 17/10
- Upcoming renewal of investments for various periods proposed by Nancy
- Business Arising from Minutes:
- Harvest Supper Report
- Accounting of the supper was provided by Bill. OLV profit $2402.00
- Spring Supper
- Bob Hodgins would help with the supper (preparing ribs etc)
- Proposed date: May 20, 2011
- Christmas Concerts
Heart & Souls on December 9th
- They will prepare tickets and take care of coffee and food
Chanterelle – December 15th
- The Chanterelle did the tickets (300 @$10.00)
- We will do food – tea, coffee and deserts
- We will contact TV22 for advertising the event
- OLV will have 120 tickets to sell
- Volunteer Appreciation Night
- Will be held December 10th 7:00 – 9:00 – Advise Alma by Dec 3rd.
- Contact:
Baptismal teams
Volunteers for St. Pat’s/Xmas Teas
Collection Counters
Development & Peace
Other: Rolly Plouffe, Gary Miller, Regis Lemieux, Babe & Raymond St. Jean
- Food:
Fruit platter
Vegetable platter
Coffee/soft drinks and wine
- AOL Contract – Lawn care
- If we purchase before end of November we get a discount.
- Proposed by Bill to maintain current contract. Seconded by Susan
- Fuel Contract – Raymond Fuels
- Market price – get $0.14 discount
- Proposed by Bill to accept submission, seconded by Susan
- Caisse Populaire
- Gave 2 tickets to attend the concert for Chanterelle
- New Business:
- Gospel Matters Concert
- Linus and Judy Woodstock - do benefits for Churches
- They do all the set up, we do the promoting
- Try for April 30, 2011
- Susan will contact Jason Roos
- Caretaker’s Contract (Dan & Cheryl)
- Currently paid $670 per month. We will increase to $683.
- Phil to take care of contract.
- New Wardens
- Susan will stay – 3yr to 2013
- Ken will stay – 3yr to 2013
- Budget 2011
- Prepared by Bill and reviewed by wardens
- Proposed by Bill, seconded by Susan
- Proposed to increase housekeeper salary from $35.00 to $40.00
- Request from Society
- Letter from Monique Simpson regarding upstairs freezer
Could freezer be brought downstairs.
If not possible, the Society would look at purchasing a second hand freezer.
This freezer would be used for the various pies being baked for the fundraising ventures.
However, if an extra freezer is put downstairs, an estimate from an electrician will have to be made to
accommodate an extra freezer consumption on the current electrical wiring.
- Rental Contracts – Lion’s Club
- May want to rent a room. The TV room is available upstairs.
- Father Gyan’s Room
- All agreed to purchase new blinds.
- Total 5 windows for upstairs require new blinds.
- Next Meeting: December 16, 2010 at 7:00 p.m.
- Adjournment: Adjourned by Susan, seconded by Lyall