Cross Image
Our Lady of Victory / St. Malachy
Star Image

The O’Neil Heritage Cemetery is located on Church Street in Buckingham Quebec and is managed by Our Lady of Victory Parish. In 1836, the O’Neil family donated 10 acres of land for a church, priest house and cemetery and some substantive farming. The cemetery covered an area of approximately 2.5 acres.

In the Parish ledger, there are the names of 566 people who were buried on the site. It is thought that there may be up to 800 people who may have been buried in the site, but that number has never been confirmed. The cemetery was operational from 1840 to 1876. It is believed that, at one time, the cemetery contained a grand total of 200 monuments and iron and wooden crosses, many of which were destroyed prior to Our Lady of Victory Parish taking over responsibility for the gravesite. In the early 1980’s, a major effort was undertaken to restore as many monuments as possible. All bits and pieces of monuments that were found were embedded in 4 concrete slabs around the central monument. There are 44 monuments that remain intact.

Responsibility for the cemetery was transferred to Our Lady of Victory Parish by Bishop Paul E. Charbonneau on April 22nd 1964. The cemetery was designated a “Historical Site” by the Town of Buckingham on September 8th 1964. Among those buried in the cemetery were Mary O’Farrell in 1856 and Ann Brady in1867, mother and sister of Father John Brady, the first Parish priest. The following is a listing of the individuals buried in the O`Neil Cemetery. Please note the spelling of names are as indicated in the cemetery ledger.

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Sorted by - Year Deceased

Year Deceased Name
1840 Balard , Thiloniéve
  Berthiannu , Émilie
  Brauchard , Louis
  Foran , Mary
  Giroux , Joseph
  Giroux , Mary

1841 Carriere , Francis
  Doherty , William
  Farley , Mary
  Lowell , Thomas
  Phabert , Gabriel
  Rheaume , John
  Walsh , Owen

1842 Belac , Antoine
  O'Neil , Catherine

1843 Lynch , John
  Seguin , Mary

1844 Baillard , Marguerite
  Burke , Marguerite
  Cahalan , Mary
  Cartin , David
  Desmarais , Joseph
  Desmarais , Louis
  Girard , Mary
  Kehoe , Marie
  Leroux , Charles
  McAndrew , Mary
  McDonnell , Bridget
  Murdock , Patrick
  O'Neil , Hugh
  Pietan , Jean
  Rochbrune, Louis

1845 Barnabé , Edouard
  Barrett , James
  Donnelly , Robert
  Larouque , Sara
  O'Reilly , Elizabeth
  Pagé , Elimire
  St-Denis , Annable


1847 Boyle , Patrick
  Burke , Anne
  Burke , Patrick
  Carsain , Lelicite
  Gallaher , Mary
  Kelly , George
  Larose , Angella
  Lassard , Fabrien
  Lepine , David
  Lepine , Issac
  Mc Donnell , Peter
  Mohoney , William
  Paquette , Onezine
  Perrault , Lucia
  Phobert , Daphie
  Plge , Elie
  Rochbrune , Arilia
  Welsh , Marguerite

1848 Belville , Pierre
  Bone , Jacques
  Burke , Catherine
  Corner , Thomas
  Dugnette , Joseph
  Dunlevi , Antoine
  Gorman , Ellen
  Kelly , John
  Larocque , Sara
  Lepine , Obiae
  Lougan , Marguerite
  Mahoney , Denis
  McAndrew , John
  McDonald , Catherine
  McNulty , Mary
  Newcombe , Mary
  O'Reilly , Patrick
  Pelletier, Francis
  Robert , Baptiste


1850 Bourgne , Bridgit
  Loudreo , Leon
  Phobert , Genevieve
  Shannon , John

1851 Beaulieu , Anderase
  Bourke , Michel
  Lavelle , Marguerite
  McMillan , John
  Paddin , Thomas
  Roan , Mary
  Ross , David
  Southuirey , Mary

1852 Murray , William
  O'Mara , Mary

1853 Hormindas , Monette
  Lepine , Philomive
  Mahoney , Sara
  Moreau , Marie

1854 Barrett , Margaret
  Bourke , Richard
  Cloutier , Vital
  Doherty , Bridget
  Dore , Delina
  Ferrand , George
  Hebert , Pierre
  Lavelle , John
  Lavelle , Martin
  Lavelle , Mary
  Masson , Joseph
  McCoy , Mary
  McMullin , Ewen
  Phobert , Paul
  Villeneuve , Antoine
  Villeneuve , Benjamin
  Villeneuve , Michel
  Waters , Josephine

1855 Bastien , Jean
  Chenier , Jervis
  Claffy , Thomas
  Coniege , George
  Crostin , Monica
  Desormeaux , Céline
  Dubois , Pierre
  Mc Coy , John
  McAndrew , Margaret
  McDonnell , Mary
  McKinnin , François
  Perreault , Josephine
  Raby , Antoine
  Villeneuve , Pierre

1856 Cox , Mary
  Dougan , Margaret
  Filiatreault , Millonie
  O’Farrell , Mary

1857 Affrautice , Edouard
  Brasson , Joseph
  Chalifoux , Joseph
  Clinieub , Cyfrien
  Corcoran , James
  Couvillon , Joseph
  Desmarais , Delina
  Desmarais , Joseph
  Dore , Louis
  Gagnon , Thomas
  McCabe , Leo
  McCaffry , Mary
  O’Grady , Anastasia
  Payette , Felix
  Potvin , François
  Sarazin , Baptiste

1858 Beauchamp , Alexandre
  Konse , Amable
  Lapointe , Olivier
  Lavelle , John
  Makonohie , Francois
  McCaffrey , Margaret
  Merriman , Patrick
  Shahan , Daniel
  Shahan , Moe
  Sicard , Antoine
  Smith , Matthew

1859 Albert , Mary
  Baoreh , Aime
  Brazeau , James
  Cain , Francis
  Campeau , Charles
  Gagnon , Antoine
  Gervais , Mathilde
  Goulet , Fabien
  Lavell , Bridget
  Lavell , Mary
  Maisonneuve , Julie
  McDonnell , Anthony
  McPake , John
  Morrissette , John
  Scaulon , John
  Stons , Henry

1860 Akert , John
  Dunnigan , Daniel
  Dupel , Marie
  Gormily , Mary
  Larocque , Adolphe
  Larose , Alleric
  Lavelle , Michael
  Lebeau , Ann
  Lebeau , John
  Lebeau , Mary
  McDonald , Edward
  McFaul , Nancy
  McFaul , Rose
  McFaul , Suzanne
  McMullin , Mary
  Moore , Edward
  Morin , Norbert
  Neville , Bridget
  Plouffe , Wilfred
  Rousseau , Marie
  Sarazin , Marie

1861 Barrett , William
  Bastien , Adolphe
  Bertrand , Elizabeth
  Carriere , Louisa
  Dagenais , Mary
  Descaut , Emma
  Dohaley , Catherine
  Donavon , Catherine
  Goulet , Rosalie
  Kelly , James
  Konegie , Mary
  Lamoureux , Augela
  Londsdale , Dominigh
  O’Fay , Mary
  Phobert , Merille
  Plouffe , Cornille
  Plouffe , Marie
  Reynalds , Oliver
  Robert , Margarite
  Senton , Bridget
  Valliere , Francis

1862 Albert , Onesime
  Bastien , Angelique
  Beauchamp, Marie
  Bruyere , Ferneau
  Chartrand , Aleoria
  Filiatreault , Pierre
  Flynn , Richard
  Grasin , Edward
  Landry , Marie
  Latour , J.B.
  Latour , Philomene
  McCue , John
  Pagé , Osenine
  Sabourin , Joseph
  St-Amour , Aldé

1863 Baker , Samuel
  Bourke , Catherine
  Carriere , Celon
  Daoust , Jacques
  Daoust, Lescodie
  Desjardins , Julienne
  Desrochers , Marie
  Desrochers , Mathilde
  Doyle , Catherine
  Fauvelle , Isabelle
  Groulx , James
  Groulx , Louis
  Jaupel , Mathilde
  Leroux, Baptiste
  Mallette , Marie
  McMullin , Catherine
  Menard , Delphine
  Plouffe , Jasmine
  Rochon , Hyacinthe

1864 Bastien , François
  Benoit , Louis
  Binette , Joseph
  Bourassa , François
  Brady , Edward
  Cabana , Adelina
  Carriere , Adelina
  Carriere , Alexander
  Cloutier , Aurel
  Cloutier , Helene
  Cosgrove , James
  Dorion , Celina
  Driscoll , John
  Filiatreault , Francine
  Goulet , Josephine
  Kennedy , James
  Lahaie , Joseph
  Lalonde, Joseph
  Langevin , Marie
  Lapointe , Olivier
  Larose , Loomie
  Lorrain , John
  Maguire , Margaret
  McMullin , Bridget
  Morin , D.
  Murphy , John
  Nevil , Jane
  O’Neil , Catherine

1865 Brusseau , Nepolean
  Brusseau , Rose
  Campeau , Joe
  Carriere , Ambrose
  Carriere, Ulysse
  Chalbois , Rose
  Chavigny , Camille
  Delany , Philip
  Desjardins , Augustin
  Desjardins , Vitaline
  Desmarais , Rose
  Gertin , F.
  Gorman , Michael
  Goulet , Camille
  Goulet , Josephine
  Goulet , Margret
  Guertin , Jean
  Hamelin , François
  Judge , Mary
  Laframboise , Philomen
  Landry , Joseph
  Lapointe , Sebastien
  Larocque , Augustin
  Lavictoire , Bisine
  Mageau , Oliver
  Mageau , Rosina
  Murray , Margaret
  O’Donavan , Mary
  O’Neil , Lusaine
  Paquin , Marie
  Payette , Joseph
  Pemondin , Simon
  Robert , Clementine
  Robert , David
  Russell , Edward
  Syrelte , Henry

1866 Brousseau , Anne
  Brunet , Suzanne
  Butler , Michael
  Chalifoux , Emma
  Clement , David
  Desjardins , A.
  Dore , Felix
  Farnham , Winfred
  Girard , S.
  Kiernan , Anne
  Landry , Louis
  Latour , Marie
  Lorrain , Olive
  McCormick , Thomas
  Menard , Infant
  O’Neil , Constandine
  Pilerin , Olive
  Poirier , Lucie
  Robillard , Josephine
  Robillard , Ovide
  Smith , Daniel
  Spencer , Lisa

1867 Ackert , Robert
  Brady , Anne
  Brousseau , Emilien
  Cosgrove , Mary
  Cosgrove, Thomas
  Cougas , Jules
  David , Corlon
  Dubois , Philonime
  Ethier , Florie
  Gormily , Catherine
  Goulet , Louis
  Kelly , Bridget
  Labelle , Louis
  Laberge , Joseph
  Lapointe , Melina
  Larose , Louis
  McCalr, Terrance
  Morissette , Dominique
  Murphy , John
  Payette , Moise
  Plary , P.
  Plouffe , Martin
  Renaud , Louis

1868 Burns , William
  Cloutier , J.
  Cosgrove , A.
  Daoust , Philemine
  Driscol , Michael
  Fauvelle , Onesine
  Fauvelle , Telesphare
  Gorman , James
  Goulet , Hovisclas
  Leger , Joseph
  Murphy , William
  Ouellette , Felix
  Pelerin , Joe
  St-Amour , François

1869 Fitzpatrick , Mary
  Gorman , Hugh
  Maloney , Michael
  McCaffrey , Mary
  Payé , Joseph
  Renaud , Olive
  Smith , Mary

1870 Beauchamp , O.
  Charron , Marie
  Daoust , E.
  Daoust , Moise
  Filiatreault , Joseph
  Fournier , François
  Gorman , Philip
  Goulet , Emile
  Heheler , Cornelius
  Lachance , F.
  Lynch , Michael
  McCormick , Edward
  Pulmer , Henry
  Rochon , C.
  Ross , David

1871 Cambell , Daniel
  Cloutier , Delphise
  Cloutier , F.
  Cloutier , Rose
  Coté , Euclalse
  Fauvelle , Rose
  Filiatreault , Marie
  Gorman , Philip
  Gorman , William
  Groulx , Joseph
  Labelle , Marius
  O’Donnell , Charlette
  Ross , Mary

1872 Billond , Louis
  Boucher , Felix
  Brunet , Maher
  Cameron , John
  Carriere, Olive
  Clement , Felix
  Cyr , Joseph
  Demers , Rose
  Deschamps, Marie
  Gorman , Joseph
  Goulet , Marie
  Hayes , Simion
  Juberville , Marie
  Lamoureux , Agnes
  Larocque , Bassiloe
  Maguire , Patrick
  Payette , François
  Viau , Anne

1873 Beauchamp , Theotis
  Blais , William
  Blondin , Alphonse
  Chalifoux , Marie
  Comptois , Louis
  Comptois , Marie
  Desjardins , Louis
  Dregan , James
  Filiatreault , Félix
  Filiatreault , Sevire
  Goulet , Joseph
  Ladoucier , Emelie
  Lapointe , Hormelina
  Lapointe , William
  Leduc , Cornelie
  Maguire , Terrance
  McGuire , Owen
  McPike , Margaret
  Menard , Celina
  Morin , Rosine
  Renauld , Baptiste
  Renauld , Félix
  Smith , Michael

1874 Beauchamp , Henrietta
  Beauchamp , Vitoria
  Belanger , Jean
  Bissonnette , Raoul
  Boninfont , Jean
  Boucher , William
  Burke , Mary
  Burke , Patrick
  Cassidy , Francis
  Charron , Eugene
  Charron , Napolean
  Clement, Charles
  Cloutier , Georges
  Constantin , A.
  Cosgrove , Edward
  Cosgrove , Sara
  Cyr , Adolphe
  Cyr , Marceline
  Cyr , William
  Daoust , Alexina
  Desjardins , Joseph
  Desjardins , Vitaline
  Dogherty , J.
  Fauvelle , Felix
  Galleyher , Corenge
  Gorman , William
  Goulet , Hermeline
  Joanette , Adelard
  Joanette , Agnes
  Joice , Agnes
  Jolibais , Narcisse
  Jubinville , Louis
  Kelly , Daniel
  Kennedy , Geraldine
  Lariviere, Marie
  Larose , Lucie
  Lavictoire , Antoine
  Matte , Joseph
  McClements , Patrick
  McGurn , Ann
  Morissette, Paul
  Neville , François
  Palmer , Jane
  Paquin , Joseph
  Raby , Moise
  Renaud , Olive
  Robert , François
  Rochon , Fabien
  Rowan , Catherine
  Rowan , David
  Rowan , Ellis
  Rowan , Patrick
  Rowan , Peter
  Sarazin , Jacques
  Spencer, Hormidas
  Tauvette , Michael
  Thomas , Mary

1875 Bastien , Emma
  Benard , D.
  Bernard, Joseph
  Bernardin, Louis
  Bernardin , Marie
  Blais , Marie
  Boisvert , E.A.
  Bouthillier , Asarie
  Brunet , Augile
  Chalifoux , Avilda
  Clarke, Margret
  Cloutier , Bridget
  Constantin , Alina
  Constantin , Fernand
  Desjardins , Simon
  Doré , Archange
  Drouin , Joseph
  Dupel , Louis
  Fauvelle , Joseph
  Feliatreault , Anna
  Hayes , Olive
  Hebert , Napolean
  Jeannette , Marie
  Labelle , François
  Lamoureux , Adelard
  Lapointe , M.
  Lariviere , Alfred
  Laurin , Damase
  Lavellle , Valarie
  Matte , Louis
  McCafferty , Rose
  Melançon , Leon

1876 Bastien , Georgia
  Bernard , Henriette
  Bourassa, Honoré
  Brady , Julien
  Brady , William
  Butler , Patrick
  Charbonneau , Valerie
  Charron , Marie
  Corrigan , Mervon
  Daoust, Joseph A.
  Desjardins , Joseph
  Fauvelle , J.B.
  Fournier , Marie
  Giroux , Ester
  Goulet , E.
  Hayes , Louis
  Hayes , Olive
  Kelly , John
  Lalonde , Euariste
  Lamoureux , Louise
  Matte , Corine
  McGuire , Owen
  McPike , James
  Millar , George
  O’Donnell , Mary
  O’Fay , Catherine
  Plouffe , Joseph
  Plouffe , Julien
  Robert , Joseph

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