The committee responsible for updating the cemetery files of the St Grégoire Cemetery have requested our assistance in trying to locate the descendants/relatives of certain persons buried in the cemetery. Many of these grave sites are very old and there may be no immediate family members or relatives either alive or living in this area.
Each week, we will identify some names and and if you are a relative or have any information regarding relatives/descendants, please advise Christiane Lefebvre at 819-986-8585. Christiane's office hours at the St. Gregory rectory are from 12:30 t0 4:30 PM. She is fluently bilingual.
To Change the sort order click on the applicable column heading
Sorted by - Registered Lot Owner
1. |
? | ? | Chisholm, Theresa | 1938 |
| Pearson, Charles William | 1925 |
2. |
Ackert, William |
U-7-Front-South | Ackert, John | 1860 |
| Ackert, Mary Jane | 1915 |
| Ackert, William | 1923 |
Other Family Members |
3. |
Baker, Angus |
X-4-North-F | Baker, Angus | 1930 |
| Baker, Josephine | 1901 |
| Keby, Catherine | 1911 |
4. |
Baker, John |
BB-1-BACK | Baker, John | 1898 |
5. |
Belter, Ruby |
BB-12-BACK | | ? |
6. |
Biezanski, Tomasz |
J-39-South-1 | Biezanski, Tomasz | 1983 |
| Strukelji, Milka | 1981 |
7. |
Boucher, Henry |
W-9-South-B | O'Brien, Mary Ann | 1883 |
8. |
Brady, Patrick |
M-7 | Brady, Patrick | 1921 |
9. |
Breslin, (family) |
L-5-South | Breslin, Beatrice | 1988 |
| Breslin, Lillian | 1954 |
| Breslin, Mary Margaret | 1968 |
10. |
Brewer, Lloyd |
F-26-South | Belter Brew, Alma | 1979 |
| Brewer, Lloyd | 1959 |
11. |
Burke, David |
BB-9-S-ARR | Burke, David | 1908 |
12. |
Burke, John |
E-19-South | Burke, Edward | 1955 |
| Burke, Robert | 1963 |
13. |
Burke, M.P. |
Z-14-AVANT-N | Burke, M.P. | 1905 |
14. |
Bush, James |
W-9-South-Fr | O’Callaghan, Bridget | 1883 |
15. |
Butler, John |
V-6-South | Butler, John | 1902 |
| Freeman, Elizabeth | 1881 |
16. |
Butler, Raymond |
L-39-North | Butler, Arthur | 1972 |
| Butler, Raymond | 1984 |
17. |
Byrnes, Joseph |
S-34-North | Byrnes, Edna Florence | 1889 |
| Byrnes, Joseph | 1889 |
Other Family Members |
18. |
Cassidy, John |
J-1-North | Cassidy, John | 1969 |
| Cassidy, TP | 1943 |
Other Family Members |
19. |
Cassidy, Marjorie |
I-38-South-1 | Cassidy, Allan J. | 1983 |
| Cassidy, Marjorie | 1992 |
20. |
Clemiss, Lorne |
R-9 | Brazeau Clemiss, Florence | 1999 |
| Clemiss, Lorne | 1986 |
| Clemiss, Vincent | 1953 |
21. |
Connelly, Michael |
C-5-N | Connelly, Joseph | 1961 |
| Connelly, Michael | 1951 |
| Gorman, Anna | 1944 |
22. |
Corrigan, Edward James |
Y-10-Front | Corrigan, Edward James | 1968 |
| Lemieux, Mary Ann | 1966 |
23. |
Cosgrove, James |
V-9-North | Cosgrove, James | 1906 |
| Gorman, Mary | 1930 |
24. |
Cosgrove, Patrick |
AA-16-AVANT | Cosgrove, Mary Ellen | 1953 |
| Cosgrove, Patrick | 1884 |
25. |
Cox, James |
Z-8-North-F | Burke, Mary Ann | 1921 |
| Cox, James | 1907 |
26. |
Cox, Morris |
W-5-South-B | Cox, Michael | 1854 |
| Cox, Morris | 1855 |
27. |
Cox, Patrick |
Y-17-South-Front | Cox, Patrick | 1902 |
28. |
Cummings, W.A. |
B-27-North | Cummings, Agnes J. | 1949 |
29. |
Currie, George |
Y-5-North-B | Raetz, Ethel | 1936 |
| Spooner, Bridget | 1891 |
30. |
Dowd, Frederick |
H-13-South | Dowd, Frederick | 1930 |
| Proulx, Agnes | 1938 |
| Verner Dowd, Victoria | 1941 |
31. |
Doyon, Augustine |
C-1-North | Labelle, Bertha | 1981 |
| Neville, Austin | 1942 |
| Neville, Gerald | 1965 |
32. |
Farnand, Daniel |
Z-11-N-Front | | ? |
33. |
Farnand, Hugh |
BB-7-S-BACK | Cosgrove, Ann | 1879 |
| Farnand, Hugh | 1904 |
34. |
Fitzgerald, Michael |
V-19 | Fitzgerald, Joseph | 1920 |
| Fitzgerald, Michael | 1884 |
35. |
Frederick, Maurice |
E-45-South | Frederick, Maurice | 2003 |
| Stevenson, Dorothy | 1989 |
36. |
Freeman, William |
V-4-North-Back | | ? |
37. |
French, George |
E-42-North | French, George | 1977 |
| Senior, Marguerite | 1982 |
38. |
Gleason, Bertha |
K-10 | Gleason, Bertha | 1992 |
| Gleason, Edith | 1991 |
| Gleason, Joseph | 1985 |
Other Family Members |
39. |
Gleason, Michael |
K-11 | Burke Gleason, Ellen | 1920 |
| Gleason, Michael | 1933 |
40. |
Gleeson, John |
I-4-South | Gleeson, John | 1923 |
41. |
Gollinger, Henry |
V-15-Front | Gollinger, Henry | 1904 |
42. |
Gorman, Gregory |
T-8 | Gorman, Arthur | 1952 |
| McCormick, Mary Louise | 1956 |
43. |
Gorman, Matthew |
S-3 | Gorman, Kathleen | 1984 |
| Gorman, Matthew (Rev ) | 1954 |
Other Family Members |
44. |
Gorman Nadon, Mary |
U-3-Front | Gorman, Dan | 1970 |
| Gorman, Jim | 1981 |
Other Family Members |
45. |
Hayes, Willie |
BB-11-S-ARR | Hayes, Willie | 1953 |
46. |
Joliffe, Fred |
L-42-North-2 | Joliffe, Fred | 1977 |
| Roos, Pearl | 1988 |
47. |
Judge, Alice |
Q-16-South | Judge, Alice | 1927 |
| Mahoney, Patrick | 1909 |
48. |
Judge, James |
Q-36-South | Judge, James | 1897 |
| McGuire, Ann | 1899 |
49. |
Kane, Peter |
L-8-North | Kane, Peter | 1922 |
50. |
Kavanaugh, Lavell |
AA-13-FRONT | | ? |
51. |
Kealy, John |
F-7 | Kealy, John | 1941 |
| McPike, Mary | 1938 |
52. |
Kehoe, Edna |
K-8 | Kavanaugh Clark, Margaret | 1985 |
| Kehoe, Edna | 1982 |
| Kehoe, Leo | 1970 |
Other Family Members |
53. |
Kelly, James |
V-17-Back | Kelly, James | 1907 |
54. |
Kelly, Joseph |
Y-11-South-F | Kelly, Joseph | 1907 |
55. |
Kennedy, William |
U-16-17 | Kennedy, Garry | 1921 |
| Kennedy, Walter | 1887 |
| Kennedy, William | 1885 |
Other Family Members |
56. |
Lemieux, James Allen |
J-12-North | Allen, James | ? |
| Gorman, Annie | ? |
57. |
Lynch, John |
U-18-19 | Lynch, John | 1843 |
| Lynch, Mark | 1878 |
58. |
MacMillan, Duncan |
X-1 | MacMillan, Alexander | 1927 |
| MacMillan, Duncan | 1922 |
| MacMillan, Isabella | 1927 |
59. |
Malette Hill, Laurette |
D-43-North-2 | Hill, William | 1989 |
| Malette Hill, Laurette | 1993 |
60. |
McAndrew, Bartholomew |
X-5-North-F | McAndrew, Bartholomew | ? |
61. |
McAndrew, Harold |
G-8 | McAndrew, Geraldine | 1988 |
| McAndrew, Harold | 1985 |
Other Family Members |
62. |
McAndrew, James |
V-18 | Ackert, Mary | ? |
| McAndrew, James | 1917 |
| McAndrew, James F. | 1905 |
63. |
McAndrew, Lawrence (Mrs.) |
AA-6-7-N-BACK | McAndrew, Lawrence | 1980 |
| McAndrew, Lawrence (Mrs.) | 1984 |
| McAndrew, P.G. | 1964 |
Other Family Members |
64. |
McCabe, James |
X-9-10-F | McCabe, James | 1899 |
| McCabe, Margaret | 1934 |
| McCabe, Patrick | 1864 |
Other Family Members |
65. |
McCormick, Lawrence |
D-22-North | McCormick, Lawrence | 1942 |
66. |
McCoy, Patrick |
D-11-North | McCoy, Patrick | 1944 |
67. |
McDonald, Hugh |
B-33-North | Kelly, Margret | 1964 |
| McDonald, Hugh | 1978 |
68. |
McDonnell, Henry Donald |
C-22-South | Couture McDonnell, Alice | 1971 |
| McDonnell, Harry | 1956 |
69. |
McFaul, Bernard |
W-11-1-North-Front | McFaul, Albert | 1973 |
| McFaul, Anne | 1973 |
| McFaul, Irene | 1980 |
Other Family Members |
70. |
McGiverain, Michael |
Y-5-South-F | McGiverain, Helen | 1910 |
| McGiverain, Mary | 1928 |
| McGiverain, Michael | 1928 |
71. |
McGuire, Terrance |
Y-South-F | Colligan, Margaret | 1891 |
| McGuire, Terrence | 1891 |
72. |
McGuire, Terry |
X-12-South-F | McGuire, Ann | 1879 |
| McGuire, William | 1888 |
| Muldoon, Isabella | 1897 |
73. |
McGuire, William |
M-16-South | Kennedy, Mary | 1935 |
| McGuire, William | 1929 |
74. |
McGuire, William |
X-15-F | | ? |
75. |
McGurn, Hugh |
X-14-Front | Gorman, Philip | 1937 |
| Gorman, Philip J. | 1950 |
| McGurn, Hugh | 1914 |
Other Family Members |
76. |
McKinnon, Mildred |
Q-1 | McDonnell, Corinna | 1976 |
| McDonnell, John | 1931 |
| Murphy, Rose Anne | 1963 |
77. |
McPike, John |
Z-2-ARR | Kennedy, Sandra | 1929 |
| McPike, John | 1949 |
| McPike, Owen | 1901 |
78. |
Mongeon, Wayne |
G-45-South-1 | Smith Mongeon, Evelyn | 1988 |
79. |
Moran, Laurier |
X-12-Back | Moran, Laurier | 1994 |
| Moran, Louisa | 1981 |
| Moran, Pearl | 1981 |
| Moran, Thomas | 1956 |
Other Family Members |
80. |
Moran, Rose |
S-6-North | Butler, Theresa | 1961 |
| Moran, John A. | 1954 |
| Moran, Rose | 1994 |
81. |
Murphy, Eugene |
I-6-North | Murphy, Eugene | ? |
| Murphy, James | ? |
| Murphy, Margaret | 1966 |
Other Family Members |
82. |
Murphy, William |
V-12-North | Kelly, Mary | 1912 |
| Murphy Jr., William | 1945 |
| Murphy Sr., William | 1963 |
83. |
Murray, James |
U-18-North | Murray, James | 1900 |
84. |
Murray, Maria |
DD-6-AVANT-N | Murray, Maria | 1903 |
85. |
O’Brien, (family) |
D-8-North | | ? |
86. |
O’Callaghan, John |
V-16-Back | Harkin, Bridget | 1879 |
| Mahoney, Ellen | 1877 |
87. |
O’Connor, Bridget |
DD-5-ARR | Cosgrove, John | 1910 |
| O’Connor, Bridget | 1910 |
88. |
O’Hara, Alice |
C-10-South | Gleason, Stella | 1983 |
| O’Hara Gleason, Alice | 1993 |
| O'hara, James Anthony | 1993 |
89. |
O’Neil, John |
Z-7-ARR | Campbell, Mary | 1903 |
| O'Neil, John | 1894 |
90. |
O’Rourke, Joseph |
AA-10-S-FRONT | Cox, Edna | 1962 |
| Cox, Minnie | ? |
| Cox, Patrick | ? |
| O’Rourke, Joseph | ? |
91. |
Palmer, Henry |
Z-16-N-Front | Palmer, Lillian | 1959 |
| Palmer, Matthew | 1947 |
Other Family Members |
92. |
Parker, Harold |
M-1-North | Parker, Edward | 1987 |
| Parker, Lorne | 1981 |
| Parker, Lovina | 1973 |
93. |
Parker, Harold |
M-1-South | Parker, Harold | 1990 |
| Pelletier, Irene | 1969 |
94. |
Pearson, Vera |
AA-6-FRONT | | ? |
95. |
Powers, Thomas |
S-4 | LeBlanc, Al | 1980 |
| Powers, Eileen | 1998 |
| Smith Powers, Margaret | 1991 |
Other Family Members |
96. |
Quinn, Thomas |
C-6-South | Cosgrove, Mary | 1945 |
| Quinn, Thomas | 1854 |
97. |
Raven, Ruby |
E-9 | Guindon Hewson, Clara | 1957 |
| Hewson, Clayton | 1990 |
| Hewson, Robert | ? |
| Malouin, Moise | 1938 |
98. |
Rombough, Pauline |
H-15 | Gorman, Joy | ? |
| Gorman Parker, Lucy | 2004 |
| Rombough, Pauline | 2006 |
Other Family Members |
99. |
Rowan, (Family) |
X-4-South-B | Rowan, Joseph | 1917 |
| Rowan, Michael | 1904 |
| Rowan, Sarah | 1887 |
100. |
Rowan, Francis |
I-4-North | Rowan, Francis | 1955 |
| Rowan, Mary Alice | 1923 |
| Rowan Jearney, Mary | 1930 |
101. |
Rowan, Kenneth |
Z-10-AVANT-N | Cox, Michael | 1896 |
| McCabe, Catherine | 1900 |
102. |
Rowan, Thomas |
M-26 | Rowan, Edmund | 1922 |
| Rowan, James | 1937 |
| Rowan, Louise | 1965 |
| Rowan, Thomas | 1921 |
103. |
Rowe, James |
DD-5-AVANT | Rowe, James | 1914 |
| Swain, Catherine | 1912 |
104. |
Rudenko, Eugene |
E-31 | D’Aoust Rudenko, Rachel | 1987 |
| Rudenko, Eugene | 1962 |
105. |
Ryan, James |
Z-10-AVANT-S | Banning, David | 1923 |
| Kiernan, Mary | 1904 |
| Ryan, James | 1925 |
| Ryan, Mary Jane | 1925 |
106. |
Sarazin, Margaret |
V-6-Back | Cassidy, Margaret | 1952 |
| Sarazin, Joseph | 1920 |
107. |
Smith, Michael |
R-27-North | Smith, Michael | 1884 |
108. |
Smith, Thomas H. |
V-9-Back | Mome, Mary | 1890 |
109. |
Smith, Thomas J. |
V-7-Back | Smith, Thomas J. | 1914 |
110. |
Spooner, William C. |
Y-North-F | McGovern, Catherine | 1918 |
| Spooner, William C. | 1929 |
111. |
Spooner, William L. |
Y-South-B | Spooner, William L. | 1916 |
112. |
Storey, Joseph |
X-13-South-F | Storey, Joseph | ? |
113. |
Strukelji, Joseph |
H-38-South-1 | Grebenc, Ivanka | 1998 |
| Strukelji, Frank | 1995 |
| Strukelji, Joseph | 2001 |
114. |
Tuffy, James |
V-4-North-Front | Butler Freeman, Catherine | 1922 |
| Freeman, Patrick | 1915 |
| Freeman, William | 1894 |
115. |
Wallace, I.W. |
I-22 | Wallace, Ella | 1950 |
| Wallace, Fred | 1968 |
| Wallace, Harry | 1953 |
Other Family Members |
116. |
Walsh, S. |
J-39-North-1 | Aubé, Marie Rosa | 1988 |
| Walsh, Keith | 1992 |
| Walsh, Stewart | 1990 |
117. |
Wood Adelaide, Mary |
E-14-North | Wood Adelaide, Mary | 1941 |
118. |
Zenke, Albert |
P-27 | | ? |
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