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Our Lady of Victory / St. Malachy
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Our Lady of Victory   St. Malachy
Sunday - 9:00 A.M.   Saturday - 7:00 P.M.

F O O D   F O R   T H O U G H T

Reading I Isaiah 50.5-9
Responsorial Psalm I will walk in the presence of the Lord, in the land of the living
Reading II James 2. 14-18
Gospel Mark 8. 27-35
Food for Thought
  • The same question is always relevant: "Who is Jesus?"
  • Peter said, “You are the Messiah.” That is, Jesus is the one sent by God to set his people free.
  • Do I allow Jesus to be my Messiah and set me free? If not, what is holding me back? Can I talk to him about it?

September 17th, 2006

William Marrevee s.c.j.
490 Charles Street
Gatineau, Québec J8L 2K5
Monday and Thursday 1:00 - 4:00 p.m.
(819) 986-3763
(819) 986-9889

A sincere welcome to those who are new among us. We hope you find a warm and welcoming faith-home with us. Please introduce yourself after Mass and call the Rectory to register.

M A S S       S C H E D U L E

WED. Sept. 20th - 9:00 a.m. OLV Larry Miller by Rita & Armand Cere
SAT. Sept. 23rd - 7:00 p.m. St. Malachy Anne Marie Lafleur by Betty McNamara
SUN. Sept. 24th - 9:00 a.m. OLV Henri Filiatreault by Betty
Helen Ladue by the OLV Society
Frances Costello by William Lawlis

Welcome to those who want to make our parish their faith home. You may have come from other places. You may have been ‘away for a while’. Be assured that we would love to have you among us.

We would appreciate it very much if you identified yourself at Mass. It would also help if you would take the time to fill out a registration form. The next time you are with us, you may leave it in the collection basket or give it to one of the ushers or to the priest.

Thank you and welcome.

The dried and canned food you see brought up with the gifts of bread and wine at Mass goes to La Table de Bethléem. It is a very concrete way of including those in need in our Sunday Mass. In other words, it makes our Mass real too. And they are very happy at La Table de Bethléem that we want to be part of their network.

So if you think of it, bring some dried and/or canned food to Mass, place it in the basket at the entrance, we make it part of the offering at Mass and we make the poor part of our Mass.... A simple gesture, but one that makes a lot of Christian sense.

We are invited, in the weekend of 23-24 September, to donate generously to the Bishops’ Collection for the Needs of the Church of Canada. The money collected will help finance the activities of the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops (CCCB), an organization that plays a unique role within our Church. Created by and for the Bishops, the CCCB allows them to combine their efforts and to speak with one voice at the service of the new evangelization. For more information go to

If you do not use collection envelopes and decide to make a donation, you may want to put your contribution in an envelope marked “for the Needs of the Church in Canada”.

October 22nd is the Sunday for our next baptisms. Over the years we have developed a series of three evenings of reflection in preparation for the celebration of baptism. Some call it a preparation course, but that is such an unfortunate description.

After all, in order to be baptized you do not need to go to school; you do need to get in touch with Jesus Christ and with what he is all about. In other words, it is not “a course you have to pass”. We would like to think that the format we have developed gives the parents an opportunity to take a second look at their own baptism and why they want to have their daughter/son baptized. Baptism can no longer be taken for granted. Nor is baptism “something you do” around the birth of a child. There is so much more to it.

We hope that in the evenings of reflection we can in some small way convey to the parents the immense significance of our own baptism and of that of their children. The evenings of reflection take place on Monday September 25, October 2 and 16.

We count on the prayerful support and interest of the parish.

The Mass is not something the priest does and the rest of us attend. We all make it happen. We celebrate it as a community. That applies especially to our Sunday Mass. As a reminder it may be helpful to list what we need for Sunday Mass:

An assembled community
There is a lot in that assembling. We come together in one place, not as isolated individuals, but as member of Christ’s Body. Here we are Christ’s Body, his Church. There is still a fair bit of work to be done on that. When in some places the front pews are empty, it is hard to speak of an assembled community and it makes celebrating as one body very difficult.

In that assembled community certain ministries need to be performed which enable the community to celebrate the Eucharist:

A priest, presider/homilist
By virtue of his ordination the priest is mandated to serve the assembled community by presiding and preaching at Mass.

Assisting the Presider/Serving at Mass
Traditionally, we have had and still have younger members of the community to perform that ministry. And that is great. But adult members should not feel excluded from this. In fact, having a mix is a good thing.

Leading the Singing
We love to have a singing congregation. We need a singing congregation! That does not minimize the importance of those who lead the singing of the congregation. On the contrary, it makes their ministry all the more important.

Reading/Proclaiming the Word of God
It is good to have mix of women, men and youth. Naturally, this calls for the ability to speak/read well in public.

Ministers of Communion
Our normal practice is to have communion under both bread and wine. As a result we need a fair number of ministers of communion.

Ministers of Hospitality / Ushers
Welcoming parishioners at the entrance, assisting them when needed, handing out the bulletin at the end of Mass, picking up the collection, looking after some other practical details as they arise: these are all things not to be left to chance.

To all those who serve our parish in the above ministries on a regular basis our heartfelt THANKS! Newcomers are always welcome. We all want to take good care of our Sunday Mass.

Sponsored by both parishes on Friday Oct.20 2006. Cocktails will be from 5 to 6:30, p.m., followed by dinner at 6:30 in OLV church hall. The cost is $12.00 per person, Children 6-12, $6:00 and under six is free. Parishioners, please get your tickets early as this event is open to the public. Raffle tickets will be going on sale for a Painting and Needlepoint Tapestry.

HEMA-QUEBEC will be holding a Blood Donor Clinic in our area and we would appreciate your support. It will be held at the Knights of Columbus Hall, on Tuesday, September 19th, 2006 from 1:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.

We thank you in advance for your support in helping our humanitarian cause.

- To Douglas & Aline Butler who will celebrate their 57th Wedding anniversary on September 23rd.

A group of local people meet every Monday from 1-3 p.m. in OLV Parish hall to do painting, or any arts & crafts that may interest you. The cost is $2:00 per week. There is no instructor. This is done on your own in a nice quiet environment. Every one is welcome. You may contact Lorraine at 986-3987 for more information.

Registration for Irish Dancing Lessons:
Registration will take place on September 23rd in the parish hall at 9:30 a.m.

W E E K L Y     R E C E I P T S
  Date Collection OLV St. Malachy

Sept. 10th Regular $ 467     

© Copyright 2024 Our Lady of Victory / St-Malachy Site
490 Charles Street • Gatineau • Quebec • J8L 2K5
Telephone: (819) 986-3763
Website powered by Red Line Services