Bulletin for the weeks of September 24th, 2006.
A sincere welcome to those who are new among us. We hope you find a warm and welcoming faith-home with us. Please introduce yourself after Mass and call the Rectory to register.
ARE YOU NEW TO OUR PARISH? We would appreciate it very much if you identified yourself at Mass. It would also help if you would take the time to fill out a registration form. The next time you are with us, you may leave it in the collection basket or give it to one of the ushers or to the priest. Thank you and welcome. PLUGGING AWAY AT THE FOUR POLES F PARISH LIFE: In this context, it may be helpful to keep in mind an observation made by one commentator on “what the Pope is up to”. He observed that “two related themes have begun to define this Pope’s pontificate: first, that God must be given a central place in every human endeavour, beginning with family life and extending even into the realm of scientific research; and second, that the Catholic Church must be more attentive to its inner life of prayer in order to better undergird its vast array of social projects and other activities.” I like to think that the efforts of our PPC fit into that quite well. THE BISHOPS ASK FOR OUR HELP: If you do not use collection envelopes and decide to make a donation, you may want to put your contribution in an envelope marked “for the Needs of the Church in Canada”. NEXT BAPISM TO BE CELEBRATED ON SUNDAY, OCTOBER 22nd: After all, in order to be baptized you do not need to go to school; you do need to get in touch with Jesus Christ and with what he is all about. In other words, it is not “a course you have to pass”. We would like to think that the format we have developed gives the parents an opportunity to take a second look at their own baptism and why they want to have their daughter/son baptized. Baptism can no longer be taken for granted. Nor is baptism “something you do” around the birth of a child. There is so much more to it. We hope that in the evenings of reflection we can in some small way convey to the parents the immense significance of our own baptism and of that of their children. The evenings of reflection take place on Monday, September 25th, October 2nd and 16th. We count on the prayerful support and interest of the parish.BRINGING IN THE BOOK OF READINGS AT MASS: It has to do with the make-up of the Mass. There are basically two parts in the Mass. The first part of the Mass centers around the Word of God; the second part centers around the altar and the bread and wine. Both parts are equally important. These two parts of the Mass are preceded by what is called the Introductory Rites: entrance song, sign of the Cross, greeting, word of introduction, penitential rite or litany, Gloria (in high seasons and on feast days), and Opening Prayer. These Introductory Rites are meant to help us assemble as the Body of Christ Once we have got ourselves together as the Body of Christ we are ready to welcome the Book that will be the focus of our attention for the next twenty minutes or so. We make “a bit of a fuss about it” by lifting it high, accompanying it with a candle and the sung acclamation “Glory to Christ, eternal Word/Son!Light of the living God” to which we respond “Glory to you, 0 Lord.” All this to highlight that as Christians we are a “People of the Book”. (This aspect gets sort of lost or obscured, if we bring in the Book of Readings during the Introductory Rites.) Is this our invention? Not really. I got it some years ago from a workshop with the eminent liturgist Father Joseph Gelineau S.J. The way he explained it convinced me of the appropriateness of this little ritual. Yes, it is optional, but it makes a lot of sense.THE ROOF LOOKS MUCH BETTER: OLV & ST.MALACHY’S HARVEST SUPPER: JOINT PARISH PASTORAL COUNCIL (PPC): Membership is as follows: Members: The Council, as a consultative body to the Pastor and in co-responsibility with the Pastor, provides leadership, direction, education, resources and encouragement in the parishes’ accomplishment of their mission as expressed under the four poles of church life: liturgy, faith formation, fellowship and transformation (service/outreach) in accordance with the vision of the Church of Gatineau-Hull. The Council consists of 6 to 8 elected lay Council members and the term of office is 3 years. We are presently looking for new membership. Please take some time to reflect on how you can participate more fully in the life of our parish and do not hesitate to contact any one of us for more information. CONGRATULATIONS: OLV SOCIETY IS LOOKING FOR NEW MEMBERS:
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