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Our Lady of Victory / St. Malachy
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Our Lady of Victory   St. Malachy
Sunday - 9:00 A.M.   Saturday - 7:00 P.M.

F O O D   F O R   T H O U G H T

Reading I Numbers 11.16a, 17c, 25-29
Responsorial Psalm The precepts of the Lord give joy to the heart
Reading II James 5. 1-6
Gospel Mark 9.38-43,45, 47-48
Food for Thought
  • We hear two voices here, those of John and Jesus. John speaks out of fear and suspicion which leads to discouragement. Jesus speaks with absolute confidence: Anybody who comes into his sphere even slightly can’t help but be drawn even further.
  • As I listen to my own heart, which voice resonates more strongly: the voice of discouragement or Jesus’ voice of encouragement?
  • I can talk to Jesus about this.

October 1st, 2006

William Marrevee s.c.j.
490 Charles Street
Gatineau, Québec J8L 2K5
Monday and Thursday 1:00 - 4:00 p.m.
(819) 986-3763
(819) 986-9889

A sincere welcome to those who are new among us. We hope you find a warm and welcoming faith-home with us. Please introduce yourself after Mass and call the Rectory to register.

M A S S       S C H E D U L E

WED. Oct. 04th - 9:00 a.m. OLV All Parishioners by the Pastor
SAT. Oct. 07th - 7:00 p.m. St. Malachy Anne Marie Lafleur by Lilly Chartrand & Dolly Butler
SUN. Oct. 08th - 9:00 a.m. OLV Jean Louis Proulx by Betty Filiatreault
Larry Miller by Gayle & Denis O’Brien

I feel a bit uncomfortable with the above title. Why? Our Bishop urges us to move from the practice of preparing for sacraments towards the practice of forming to the Christian life. What does our Bishop have in mind?

In some way, preparing for sacraments is relatively easy. But that is only true when they are practically separated or isolated from the Christian life, when they have become the stuff of which we say “been there, done that”. And there is the hub. The proper celebration of sacraments presupposes a fair bit. The first that comes to mind is love for Jesus Christ. Of course, the sacraments make no sense apart from Jesus Christ, who Jesus is, what he lived for, what he gave his life for, why he was raised from the dead, and what that means. That love for and knowledge of Jesus Christ will translate in our cultivating a taste for and identifying with what matters to Jesus Christ. And that is what formation to the Christian life is all about. Quite a challenge today!

It would already be quite something if we were all convinced that formation to the Christian life is not first for children, but for us as adults. Formation to the Christian life is first and foremost an “adult affair” and it is an “ongoing affair” only completed when we finally come in God Father, Son and Spirit. It is really a matter of having Christ grow on us. It does not mean that we would want to withhold that from our children. The point is that if Jesus Christ and what he stands for are important to us (myself included), then our children will want to develop a taste for Jesus Christ too. And then preparing for sacraments becomes easy in the good sense.

Back to the question! We would like to hear from parents who want to have their children make their first communion. Similarly, we would like to hear from parishioners who are 15 years and up who have not been confirmed if they are interested in being confirmed. Please, contact us before November 12th.

It would be helpful if you would draw this item to the attention of those who might be interested. Thank you.

Everyso often, especially during the month of October or May, that question is being asked: “Why can we not have a hymn to or about Mary at Mass?” Here is the way that question is handled in a pastoral note in the Prairie Messenger by Zita Maier who used to work at the National Liturgy Office of the CCCB: Many Roman Catholics observe October as a “Marian month” with special devotions in honour of Mary, the mother of God.

However, Sunday is the Day of the Lord, a special day o[the resurrection, focused first of all on the paschal mystery of Christ, and that focus always takes priority in any celebration of a Sunday liturgy (Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy, no 106). Therefore, those who prepare the music for Sundays in their parish must keep in mind that no element of the Lord’s Day celebration may be replaced by any devotional practices, such as Marian hymns during the month of October. Hymns to Mary do not have a place in the Sunday liturgy. One or two Marian hymns may be used at a Eucharist during the week when a feast of Mary is celebrated, but even then a Marian hymn is absolutely inappropriate as a communion song. These hymns do have a place in Marian devotions that are scheduled at a special time separate from any celebration of the Eucharist, such as the public recitation of the rosary including singing and scriptural readings.

That pastoral note of Zita Maier raises a number of issues:

It is interesting to see that such a seemingly simple question (the one mentioned above) leads to what may look like a rather complicated response. The reason for that is that the question is not as simple as it looks. A number of significant issues are affected and raised by that question, such as:

  • Sunday as the Day of the Lord;
  • The central place on that Day of the Church’s Eucharist where the Paschal Mystery of Christ (his death and resurrection) is celebrated as the source of our Christian identity;
  • Where and how singing/music fits in that celebration;
  • How devotional practices such as Marian devotions (too easily neglected?) relate to the church’s official liturgy, such asMass.

That also suggests that a simple yes or no to the question raised is not enough. There may, in fact, be a good explanation for the yes or no. However, it takes time and a willingness to articulate and to hear that explanation.

Mary, Mother of the Church, is the patroness of our Diocese. That feast is celebrated on October 11. Most of those who work as pastoral agents - lay or ordained - in the parishes spend the day together for the purpose of study and formation.

In the evening, at 7:30 p.m. the Bishop will preside over a celebration of the Eucharist to which all are invited. That will take place at St. Joseph Cathedral.

Sponsored by both parishes on Friday Oct. 20th 2006. Cocktails will be from 5 to 6:30, p.m., followed by dinner at 6:30 in OLV church hall. The cost is $12.00 per person, Children 6-12, $6:00 and under six is free. Parishioners, please get your tickets early as this event is open to the public. Raffle tickets will be going on sale for a Painting and Needlepoint Tapestry.

If interested call Evelyn Robitaille at 986-2477.

Church wardens are elected at a meeting of the parishioners. Any parishioner who consents thereto may be nominated upon motion by two parishioners. The term of office is three years, normally beginning in January.

This will be a fund raising project by the parish with proceeds going towards the roof & furnace repairs. Everyone is invited to submit their favorite recipes with their origin and history to make it more interesting. Sales will begin around St. Patrick’s Day.

At the meeting held on September 14th 2006, a new Executive was elected.

Membership is as follows:
  • Chairperson - Gale Pearson
  • Vice Chairperson - Joan Teske
  • Secretary - Linda Cameron
  • Ellen Butler
  • Diane Bedard-Cameron
  • Jean Duimigan
  • Paul Jeffrey
  • Fr. Bill

The Council, as a consultative body to the Pastor and in co-responsibility with the Pastor, provides leadership, direction, education, resources and encouragement in the parishes’ accomplishment of their mission as expressed under the four poles of church life: liturgy, faith formation, fellowship and transformation (service/outreach) in accordance with the vision of the Church of Gatineau-Hull. The Council consists of 6 to 8 elected lay Council members and the term of office is 3 years.

We are presently looking for new membership. Please take some time to reflect on how you can participate more fully in the life of our parish and do not hesitate to contact any one of us for more information.

W E E K L Y     R E C E I P T S
  Date Collection OLV St. Malachy

Sept. 24th Regular $ 849    $ 275   
Sept. 24th Fuel  355     105   
Sept. 24th Needs of the Canadian Churches  235     135   

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490 Charles Street • Gatineau • Quebec • J8L 2K5
Telephone: (819) 986-3763
Website powered by Red Line Services