Bulletin for the week of November 5th, 2006.
A sincere welcome to those who are new among us. We hope you find a warm and welcoming faith-home with us. Please introduce yourself after Mass and call the Rectory to register.
NOVEMBER - THE MONTH IN WHICH WE REMEMBER THE DECEASED: You will see for all of the month of November the so-called Book of Life at the front of the church. The Book of Life contains the names of deceased parishioners and relatives. Some additional pages are provided at the back of the book for that purpose, unless you decide to make up your own book. It is our way of expressing our faith that the dead find peace with God and will be raised to life when the Lord Jesus comes in glory. The Book is placed next to the Easter Candle which speaks of the ultimate victory of life over death, of light over darkness, in the dead and risen Jesus. We are called to share in that victory. NOVEMBER 12th - “DEADLINE” FOR REGISTRATION FOR CONFIRMATION AND FIRST COMMUNION: When adults seek to become Christian, they normally enter into the somewhat lengthy process of Christian initiation. It is really a process of conversion to Jesus Christ and his Gospel. That process is marked by various phases and steps, and it reaches its climax in the celebration of baptism, confirmation and participation in the Eucharist at the Easter Vigil. Indeed, the Easter Vigil is the privileged home for the sacraments of initiation. That is where we are born as sons and daughters of God. Most of us are baptized in infancy. That means that the two remaining sacraments of initiation will be celebrated at a later point in life. Ideally, confirmation would come before participation in the Eucharist (as, for example, they do now again in the Ottawa diocese). But, for all sorts of reasons, we have not held on to that sequence. In fact, in many places confirmation comes after first participation in the Eucharist and we have even gone so far as to assigning them to a given age: in our diocese, confirmation for those who are 15 years of age or older, first participation in the Eucharist when the children are about 7-8 or older. We try to work with that the best we can. I realize this is a rather lengthy (perhaps even confusing?) introduction to the point. Before next Sunday, November 12, we would like to hear from parents who want their children to make their First Communion in the Easter season of next year. That also applies to parishioners who are 15 years of age or older and who want to be confirmed in the Easter season of next year. If we know by November 12th, we can get the interested parties together in the second half of November to discuss how best to prepare for what we will be celebrating in next year’s Easter season. It would be much appreciated if you could bring this to the attention of those who may not read this rather lengthy note, but who would nevertheless be interested in it. Thank you. THE EUCHARISTIC PRAYER - A REAL GOLD MINE! What part of the Mass or what prayer are we talking about? It is the prayer that is proclaimed after the bread and wine have been presented and placed on the altar. The prayer begins with the introductory dialogue between priest and congregation: “The Lord be with you”... “Lift up your hearts” “Let us give thanks to the Lord our God”. And the prayer ends with the Great Amen which concludes the so-called doxology “through him, with him, in him, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, all glory and honour is yours, almighty Father, for ever and ever”, during which the priest elevates the consecrated bread and wine, the Body and Blood of Christ. What begins with “The Lord be with you” and what ends with “Amen” is really one prayer that has an integrity of its own. And it has to be respected as such. Yes, it is a lengthy prayer and it has several parts, but none of these parts may be so emphasized that we lose sight of the unity of that prayer. In fact, we cause ourselves a lot of problems when we isolate one little part of it and no longer appreciate it as part of the larger whole. That is what has happened in the course of history. That is unfortunate, because the result of it was that the rest of the prayer was not considered to be very important. But the prayer as a whole is crucial, and it is immensely rich. WARDENS NEEDED: KIDS: COOKBOOK FUND RAISER: PRAYERS AND SYMPATHY: CONGRATULATIONS & BIRTHDAY WISHES:
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