Our Lady of Victory |
St. Malachy |
Sunday - 9:00 A.M. |
Saturday - 7:00 P.M. |
Reading I |
Acts 5. 27-32, 40B - 41 |
Responsorial Psalm |
We are witnesses to these things, and so is the Holy Spirit. |
Reading II |
Revelation 5.11 - 14. |
Gospel |
John 21. 1 - 19. |
Food for Thought |
- Can I put myself under the gaze of Jesus ad hear these questions?
- How dos it feel?
- How do I react?
- Where is Jesus going with this?
- Am I prepared to be led?
Pastor |
William Marrevee s.c.j. |
Email |
Rectory |
490 Charles Street
Gatineau, Québec J8L 2K5 |
Secretary |
Monday and Thursday 1:00 - 4:00 p.m. |
Telephone |
(819) 986-3763 |
Fax |
(819) 986-9889 |
Welcome to those who want to make our parish their faith home. You may have come from other places. You may have been “away for a while”. Be assured that we love to have you among us. We would appreciate it very much if you identified yourself at Mass. It would also help if you would take the time to fill out a registration form. The next time you are with us, you may leave it in the collection basket or give it to one of the ushers or to the priest. Thank you and welcome.
M A S S S C H E D U L E |
WED. |
Apr. 25th - 9:00 a.m. |
Deceased Members of the Brule & Robitaille families by their children.
Robert Delcourt by Iris & Allen |
SAT. |
Apr. 28th - 7:00 p.m. |
St. Malachy |
Louis Weatherdon by Doris Berndt |
SUN. |
Apr. 29th - 9:00 a.m. |
The Bisson Family by the OLV Choir
Valerie Bruneau by Phil & Dorothy Casey
Larry & Gordon Miller by Gary Miller |
IMPORTANT WORKSHOP COMING UP FOR THE ENGLISH PARISHES IN OUR DIOCESE - Saturday, April 28 - 9 a.m. to 12 noon at Our Lady of Annunciation parish
Members of Parish Pastoral Councils, members of the Fabriques, members of parish committees, parish ministries, all interested parishioners are summoned to come together for some serious work. We will be looking at the topic Parishes Becoming Communities that are Schools of Catechesis. If you are wondering what that is all about, that is the best reason to join us.
Twice a year, the English parishes of our diocese come together to work on projects that we all are struggling with. We are all facing considerable challenges today. Let us try to meet them together instead of going our own way. May we count on you?
These are two pieces taken from The Tablet.
It is true the Easter Vigil is already a few weeks ago. Still there may be some merit in taking a second look at it. After all, we celebrate it only once a year and, unfortunately, not all of us participate in it with the result that it is a relatively unknown service for many. And yet, here is where the core of the Christian faith is on display. So it deserves more “publicity”, even if it is not a liturgy for the faint-hearted.
The choice of the second item, that on hell, may be surprising. It is not a popular subject today. It takes some nerve to speak about it. That is what the Pope dared to do a few weeks ago. And the secular press had lots of fun with it, ridiculing it, describing it as outdated. Upon closer scrutiny, it appeared that the secular press was more outdated than the Pope. They could capture the notion of hell only with the outdated images of fire and brimstone
(I still remember them!), the old images that terrorized the imagination of many in the past. That is exactly what the Pope stayed away from. Instead, he wanted to speak about the possibility of hell in a more adult way.
One of the central “prayers” of the Easter Vigil is the Exsultet. It is placed in the beginning of the service right after the Easter Candle is lit from the fire and brought in procession into the church. The only light that is visible is the lit Easter Candle, all other lights in the church are extinguished. Then the church’s Easter proclamation, the Exsultet, takes place in which the saving events of the Old Testament and the New Testament are recalled, culminating in the Resurrection of Christ.
To appreciate the Exsultet you have to have a bit of a feel for poetry, for images, for symbols. In other words, one has to move beyond the literal. If you are stuck in the literal, then you have good reason to wonder what they are talking about.
Exult and sing, 0 shining angel choirs! Exult and dance, bright stars and blazing suns!
The First-born of creation, Jesus Christ, is risen in radiant splendour from the dead!
Rejoice, 0 awesome night of our rebirth! Rejoice, 0 mother moon, that marks the months!
For from your fullness comes, at last, the Day
when sin is robbed of power and death is slain!
Awaken, earth! Awaken, air and fire! 0 children born of clay and water, come!
The One who made you rises like the sun to scatter night and wipe your tears away!
Arise then, sleepers, Christ enlightens you! Arise from doubt and sadness, sin and death!
With joyful hearts and spirits set afire, draw near to sing this Easter candle’s praise!
The Lord be with you.
Lift up your hearts.
Let us give thanks to the Lord our God
And also with you
We lift them up to the Lord.
It is right to give our thanks and praise |
We praise you, God, for all your works of light!
We bless you for that burst of fire and flame through which you first created all that is:
a living universe of soaring stars of space and spinning planets,
surging seas that cradle earth and rock against her breast.
We praise you for light’s beauty, motion, speed:
for southern light, a brilliant cross on high; for northern light that glows and dances bright;
for eastern light that paints the morning sky, for western light that slants upon our doors,
inviting us to praise you every night.
We bless you for the light invisible: the fire of faith, the Spirit’s grace and truth, the light that
bonds the atom, stirs the heart, and shines for ever on the face of Christ!
Creator, in the joy of Easter Eve, accept our offering of this candle‘s light:
may all who see its glow and feel its warmth be led to know your nature and your Name.
For, Father, it was your own light and love that lead your people Israel
dry-shod through foaming seas, and brought them safe at last to lands of milk and honey.
In your love you led them as a shining cloud by day and as a flaming shaft of fire by night
This is the night, most blessed of all nights, when first you rescued people from the sea:
a sign of that new birth which was to come in blood and water flowing from Christ’s side!
This is the night, most blessed of all nights,
when your creating Spirit stirred again to turn back chaos and renew the world,
redeeming it from hatred, sin, and strife!
This is the night, most blessed of all nights,
when all the powers of heaven and earth were wed
and every hungry human heart was fed by Christ our Lamb‘s own precious flesh and blood!
O night, more holy than all other nights,
your watchful eyes beheld, in wondrous awe, the triumph of our Saviour over sin,
the rising of the Deathless One from death!
O night that gave us back what we had lost! 0 night that made our sin a happy fault!
Beyond our deepest dreams this night, 0 God, your hand reached out to raise us up in Christ
O night of endless wonder, night of bless, when every living creature held its breath
as Christ robbed death and emptied hopeless hell, restoring life to all those in the tomb!
And so, our God, Creator of all life, with open hearts and hands we come to you:
anointed with the Spirit’s power, we bear these precious glowing gifts of fire and flame.
We pray that when our night of watching ends,
the Morning Star who dawns and never sets, our Saviour Jesus Christ,
may find us all united in one faith, one hope, one Lord.
For you alone are God, living and true:
all glory, praise, and power belong to you with Jesus Christ, the One who conquered death, and
with the Spirit blest for ever more. Amen.
The Joint Parish Pastoral Council Meeting will be held on Monday, April 25th, 7:15 p.m. in the conference room.
Cocktails: |
4:00 pm |
Supper: |
6:30 pm. |
Silent Auction: |
4:00 pm to 8:00 pm. |
Cost: |
Children (7-14)
“Little Ones” (0-6) |
Tickets are available after mass on Sundays and at the office on Mondays and Thursdays 1:00 p.m – 4:00 p.m. (986-3763) Please reserve that date. Monday, April 23rd will be the last day to get your tickets.
W E E K L Y R E C E I P T S |
Date |
Collection |
St. Malachy |
Apr. 15th |
Regular |
$ 599.00 |
$ 272.00 |