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Our Lady of Victory / St. Malachy
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Our Lady of Victory
Sunday - 9:00 A.M.
Saturday - 7:00 P.M.

F O O D   F O R   T H O U G H T

Reading I Exodus 32. 7 - 11, 13 -14 Responsorial Psalm I will rise and go to my father.
Reading II 1 Timothy 1, 12 - 17 Gospel Luke 15. 1- 32
Food for Thought
  • Can I imagine the flock 0f 99 in the wilderness and the shepherd heading off in search of the lost one? Then there’s the image of him coming back with the stray across his shoulders.
  • Jesus is putting these pictures before my mind in order to touch my heart.
  • Can I let myself be moved by the compassion and mercy of God?

September 16th, 2007

490 Charles Street
Gatineau, Québec J8L 2K5
Monday and Thursday - 1:00 - 4:00 p.m.
Tuesday and Wednesday - 9:00 - 10:00 a.m.
(819) 986-3763
(819) 961-3159

Welcome to those who want to make our parish their faith home. You may have come from other places. You may have been “away for a while”. Be assured that we love to have you among us. We would appreciate it very much if you identified yourself at Mass. It would also help if you would take the time to fill out a registration form. The next time you are with us, you may leave it in the collection basket or give it to one of the ushers or to the priest. Thank you and welcome.

M A S S       S C H E D U L E

SAT. Sept. 22nd - 7:00 p.m. St. Malachy All Parishioners of St. Malachy & OLV by the pastor
SUN. Sept. 23rd - 9:00 a.m. OLV Henri Filiatreault by Betty
Thomas & Jeffrey Preston by Muriel Preston & family

The Lord’s Day is a great gift to each of us, providing an opportunity to slow down, to reflect, to renew ourselves and our relationships, and to gather as a Christian community. Reading the Sunday Scriptures ahead of time and reflecting on what they might tell us in our lives today is a beautiful gift of grace given with love from our God. This is a space where we are invited to enter into the Scriptures in a deeper way, allowing for the opportunity to explore our faith more fully.

There are many resources available to help us “chew” on the Word of God that we hear every week. One of these is part of the front page of our bulletin – questions to reflect on, after hearing the Word of that Sunday’s Mass. Do we sit with those reflections some of the time? Do these reflections help some of the time?

Another resource is one that is published by Novalis called Preparing for Sunday – Exploring the Readings for Year A, …B, …C, by J.E. Spicer, CSsR. As an “appetizer”, here is an excerpt of his reflections for both last Sunday’s and this Sunday’s readings:

23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year C: Jesus’ Advice on “How-to”
In this practical age of ours, there are “how-to” books on almost any skill you wish to acquire. There are also “how-to’s” in our Christian life – on a deeper level than the ‘worldly’ ones, that is. Jesus gave us guidelines. The central guideline is “Follow me”. As Paul says, we are to put on the mind and heart of Jesus. Only in so doing can we make the many on-the-spot decisions we face each day; the risen Jesus gives us the wisdom and strength. The three scripture readings today exemplify the guidelines for our Christian lives. The first reading makes the point that there is only one source of true wisdom: God. Fortunately, God has given us an insight into his own wisdom, God’s gift to us, challenging us to treat all human beings as brothers and sisters. True religion is down-to-earth, practical love for our neighbour. Giving up our possessions is another way of saying our hearts are to be wholly given to Jesus so that our heartstrings are not attached to worldly goods. Solid “how-to’s” for living our Christian lives in all 3 readings this week! What can you do to bring more of God’s wisdom into your life?

24th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year C: At the Negotiation table
We have become familiar with the word “mediator” today – someone who is called to settle disputes over wages and working conditions. We are also familiar with a third party’s role in bringing about reconciliation between two individuals. But do we give any thought to mediators between us and God? This Sunday’s readings have to do with this question. Moses is the successful mediator in the 1st reading, but a deeper healing was necessary. The next 2 readings tell us about the mediator who brought about this healing. For who among us has not strayed at times? Who has not been lost at times? Be assured that Jesus, the incomparable mediator, will seek us out. He will help us to be reconciled and be rejoined to the flock. What steps can you take to let Jesus be a mediator in your life?

Reading and reflecting on the Word before and/or after each Sunday can be an enriching exercise, ‘wasting time’ with the One who loves us so thoroughly. It’s just common sense that hearing the readings only once and then trying to take in the homily at the same time is a lot to retain. That is why preparing for Sundays can be so inspiring. Hearing the Word and the homily after this reflection time can only help us in our attempt to get to know our God, each other and ourselves better.

So we would like to offer you an opportunity to take advantage of cheaper, bulk ordering of the resources that can help you on your way to growing that relationship, growing that Wisdom.

We are offering to order your copy of the Sunday Missal, The Missal for Young Catholics and/or the Complete (with or without large print) issues. If you are interested in these or in Spicer’s three little books (year A, B, and C are each sold separately), please contact Alma during office hours before October 29th.

The Tablet magazine also has something to say about the Word we hear on Sundays. The attached article (“The most difficult leap” by Daniel O’Leary from the 18 Aug 07 issue) fits nicely with this week's readings even though it is a reflection on a previous Sunday way back in June. It shows a different angle than Spicer does, but then again, no single reflection can be the 'be all' and 'end all'! In this reflection, the focus is on trust-no-matter-what – yes, our trust in God but also God’s in us!

Fr. Gyan will need a driver to get from Gatineau to Mayo on Saturday – to arrive at St. Malachy by 6:30 pm. He also needs to get back to St. Aloysius after the 9 a.m. mass at OLV. Please call Alma with your name and phone number to be added to the rotation list. This list will work the same way our current Ministries list operates. Sincere thanks to all who are able to lend a hand (or car in this case!).

As Fr. Gyan lives in Gatineau, he doesn’t have the opportunity to shop or cook when he stays overnight Saturday nights. As a result, we are asking for volunteers to provide a supper and a breakfast for him. With enough volunteers, he’ll benefit from the wide sample of great cooks in this area! May we count on you? Please call Alma if you are able to help.

The Buckingham Elementary School has advised that the tickets for the supper are sold out. However there is a call for:

      a) anyone with recent or old school pictures
      b) any volunteers to prepare and donate a dessert for the dinner
      c) volunteers for the night of the event
      d) Silent auction items

If interested, please contact Gale Pearson at 281-3433.

The subject is Ecumenical Challenges to a Recognition of one Baptism. This will be held on September 27th at 7:30 p.m. at the Amphitheatre 1124, Guigues Hall, Saint Paul University. No fees and free parking after 4:00 pm.

Wardens:   Monday Sept 17th at 7:30 pm in Mayo
PPC:   Tuesday Sept 18th at 7:15 pm in the rectory - OLV

Please remember in your prayers Bern Chenier, husband of Bernice Bedard of Mayo, who died recently in Montreal. Our sympathy to the family.

Please note new office hours:
Monday and Thursday:   1:00 – 4:00 p.m.
Tuesday and Wednesday:   9:00 – 10:00 a.m.

Telephone messages can be left at any other time – messages are picked up on a regular basis.

W E E K L Y     R E C E I P T S
  Date Collection OLV St. Malachy

     Sept. 09th Regular $   454.00    $   283.00   

© Copyright 2024 Our Lady of Victory / St-Malachy Site
490 Charles Street • Gatineau • Quebec • J8L 2K5
Telephone: (819) 986-3763
Website powered by Red Line Services