Bulletin for the week of April 12th, 2009.
Easter Season
Alleluia! Is our song. For forty days in Lent, the people of God listen to his word more attentively and spend more time in prayer and penance as we seek forgiveness and conversion. At the end of Holy Week, we enter the Easter Triduum, when we celebrate the dying and rising of our Lord Jesus Christ. Then, for fifty days we sing Alleluia! Easter vigil: During Holy Saturday night, the Church celebrates the victory of Christ over sin and death. He is the light of the world, who frees us from the kingdom of darkness and brings us into his kingdom of love. On Easter night, members of the Church profess their faith, renewing their baptismal promises to die with Christ to sin, and to live with him for God. Easter Sunday is the greatest day of the Christian year. We praise God for all his wonderful works of creation and salvation, but especially for raising Jesus from the dead, and declaring him Lord. Jesus is the Saviour, the centre of salvation history. We rejoice today with all Christians for our heavenly Father has made us sharers in the grace of his Son. By baptism we die with him, are buried with him in death and are raised with him to glory. We share in his victory and his abundant new life. Easter week: During this week, we continue our rejoicing over the resurrection of our Lord and his victory over sin and death. The daily gospel readings this week describe occasions on which the risen Jesus appeared to his followers. The Easter octave ends with the second Sunday of the season. The gospel presents Thomas as he comes to believe in the risen Lord. We who did not see Christ in the flesh are called blessed also, because he has given us the faith to believe in him. Easter season: Fifty days of Easter joy will bring us to the feast of Pentecost. God’s gift of life is complete in the sending of the Holy Spirit. + + + + + Paschal candle: During the Easter vigil, the Easter candle is prepared and lighted from the new fire. It symbolizes and reminds us that Christ is the light of the world and that he is always present among his holy people. This candle is prominently displayed and is lighted for all liturgies during the Easter season. Easter water: Water is blessed during the vigil for use in baptisms during the Easter season. This water is sprinkled over the people present at the vigil and on Easter Day as they renew their baptismal promises. We use blessed water in our homes as a reminder of our baptism, by which Jesus makes us the holy people of God. Alleluia! Is the song of the Easter season. It is a shout of joy and means “praise to God!” With Christ and all his Church, we rejoice that God has raised him up from death and has given us a share in his unending life. Living in the Easter season: This season lasts for seven weeks or 50 days, extending between Easter and Pentecost. Meaning. The Easter season is a time when Christians reflect on what it means to be God’s Church, his people established in this place, witnesses to his resurrection. The new life and joy of those baptized at the Easter vigil is shared by all and we remember that it is through baptism that Jesus has made us God’s holy people. Relation to Lent. Easter is not a continuation of Lent, but rather the time to harvest the seeds which were planted during the 40 days. Now we live as the brothers and sisters of Jesus, sharing his love with others, looking for ways to serve others and save the world. Recognizing Christ’s presence. During the Easter season, we reflect on the many ways that Jesus is present among us. Spring. The Easter season also means the return of spring, with its new life, flowers and the warmth of longer days. Whenever two or three gather in his name, Jesus is with us – at home, in church, at work or at play. He is present, speaking to us when his gospel is proclaimed to us. He is present in our liturgical celebrations: in the assembly, the Scriptures, the ministers, in the power of his sacraments, in the Eucharist. Our Lord assures us that he is the one we help whenever we feed the hungry, visit the sick or imprisoned, and clothe the naked. Jesus is always with his people. Alleluia! A tree of priceless value
(Reflection taken from the National Liturgy Office and published by the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops) BAPTISM PRAYERS & SYMPATHY OLV WARDENS MEETING WARDEN VACANCIES CEREAL BARS CANCER SOCIETY RELAY FOR LIFE 2009 OFFICE HOURS
Telephone messages are picked up on a regular basis throughout the week. If you have any items for the bulletin, please send them to Alma at olv@videotron.ca before Wednesday afternoon.
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