Our Lady of Victory
Sunday - 9:00 A.M. |
St. Malachy
Saturday - 7:00 P.M. |
Reading I |
Acts.10.34a, 36- 43 |
Responsorial Psalm |
This is the day the Lord has made: let us rejoice and be glad |
Reading II |
Colossians 3.1 - 4 |
Gospel |
Luke 24.1 – 12 |
Food for Thought |
- Mary Magdalene waited patiently throughout the Sabbath, but before even the sun arose on the first day of the week, she was at the tomb, driven by love.
- Let me recapture the enormity of her shock, as she saw the stone rolled back, the burial wrappings laid aside, the tomb empty. Death, man’s oldest enemy, had found its master. A mortal body had found a new life.
Pastor |
Rectory |
490 Charles Street
Gatineau, Québec J8L 2K5 |
Secretary |
Monday and Thursday - 1:00 - 4:00 p.m.
Tuesday and Wednesday - 9:00 - 10:00 a.m. |
Email |
Telephone |
(819) 986-3763 |
Fax |
(819) 961-3159 |
Welcome to those who want to make our parish their faith home. You may have come from other places. You may have been “away for a while”. Be assured that we love to have you among us. We would appreciate it very much if you identified yourself at Mass. It would also help if you would take the time to fill out a registration form. The next time you are with us, you may leave it in the collection basket or give it to one of the ushers or to the priest.
Thank you and welcome. |
M A S S S C H E D U L E |
WED. |
Apr. 07th - 07:30 p.m. |
SAT. |
Apr. 10th - 07:00 p.m. |
St. Malachy |
All parishioners of St. Malachy & OLV |
SUN. |
Apr. 11th - 08:00 a.m. |
Freida Teske(7th Ann.)by Marilyn Charron & Alma Miller
Julia Martin (7th Anniversary) by the family
Georgette McDonnell by Fred & family |
Bishop Ebacher will be at OLV on Sunday May 2nd, 2010 to administer the Sacrament of Confirmation during the 9:00 a.m. Mass to the group of candidates from OLV and St, Malachy, who are now preparing for this Sacrament.
The next marriage preparation dates will be on April 23-24 and May 15th, 2010. Please contact Angela Davis from the Diocese to register. She may be reached at 613-237-0093, or by E-Mail at mangeladavis@hotmail.com.
The wardens at St-Grégoire are in the process of developing a policy on the maintenance of grave sites. Apparently, there are numerous families that have discontinued the payment of the maintenance fees for family sites. Grave site maintenance is not often something we think about, but it is important to remember that many families in this Parish have a long history in the Buckingham area and many of our descendants are buried in the local graveyard. We have been advised that a large number of gravesites, where maintenance fees have not been paid, have been identified as belonging to English-speaking families and thus associated with our Parish.
Once the new policy is developed and approved, it will be translated and published in our bulletin. The two Parishes have agreed to work together to ensure that all English-speaking families, who for whatever reason have not paid maintenance fees, are contacted and updated on the new policy and the status of their site(s). Any correspondence will be in English to better explain the situation.
Finally, a point of clarification: there has been some concern expressed that perhaps part of this new policy would result in St. Grégoire Wardens reclaiming plots for resale, plots where maintenance fees have not been paid, or where family members cannot be located. We have been assured that this is not part of the new strategy.
The policy will be transmitted to us in April for follow up action.
Your prayers are requested for Gaston Deschatelets whose funeral took place last week at OLV. Our prayers and sympathy are with his wife Grace and family. Please remember them in your prayers during this difficult time.
Like a stream... of Easter water
I know of a babbling stream near the undergrowth. In winter as well as in summer, it offers its water free of charge to the flowers that grow there, to the birds and other animals that come to drink. I am also drawn by that stream. It sings of the generosity of the earth, it refreshes and relaxes me. It allows me to recover my strength, and I leave it with this feeling of wanting to give in return what I have received and what I am.
I know people who are such streams in life, at work or at play. These are ordinary but loving men and women. They give endlessly of their time, while renewing themselves constantly. Theirs is a gracious gift of life to those around them. Being in contact with them is a source of joy.
I was deeply moved one day by the mother of a severely handicapped child. I see this teacher with the children in her classroom. She is bursting with enthusiasm, so present to each pupil. She will have them sing, will invite them to draw the beautiful things in their lives. I will remember this woman as a stream who, while giving of herself, is fulfilled through her vitality and generosity.
And how many people also appear as streams to me! I can think of the hospital attendant who provided me with care and support, of this other person who develops relationships with or serves the youth, of a terminally ill person who is so patient and smiles constantly, of a young lad anxious to support other youngsters, of a worker sharing his skills with his co-workers. I have in mind this patient and open-minded bus driver, this courteous policewoman, this fireman looking after the victims of a disaster, this politician taking the time to listen to and support disadvantaged people, this store or credit union clerk with such a generous and comforting smile. These and many others are multitaskers giving from the heart.
I also look with great admiration at the family, social and sports levels. So many young parents and retired people give themselves heart and soul, despite all opposition, in spite of life’s highs and lows and the uncertainties of their environment. Is it not amazing that in a capitalist atmosphere promoting selfishness and every man for himself, so many people give their lives so that others may live! I admire these people and I personally feel more alive, with a renewed feeling of giving of myself. These people bring me back to life.
Could this movement of receiving and giving not be what basically characterizes the human being, as it is in the nature of the stream to receive everything free of charge and to offer it generously to any passerby? I am all the more inclined to think that I see there some collusion with Jesus of Nazareth.
He states that he is receiving himself as a gift for all humans: “For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son » (John 3,16). And in the gospel readings, Jesus is seen as devoting all his time and attention to so many unpopular and marginalized people, but also to those who believe that they do not need others. He becomes a brother to anyone who crosses his path. He offers his friendship to all, because he wishes to spread life in abundance. It is even the meaning he gives to his own death: “No one has greater love than this, to lay down one’s life for one’s friends. » (John 15,13).
And his disciples say from experience that his heart that was pierced on the cross is an unending stream of vitality. Each spring, when the streams give generously to fertilize our earth, those who see in Jesus God’s greatest gift to our world celebrate these days where we remind ourselves that he gave his life for us, as the grain of wheat fallen to the ground dies and yields much fruit.
Happy Easter 2010 !
† Roger Ébacher
Archbishop of Gatineau
March 30, 2010
The glorious resurrection of the Lord is the key to interpreting his whole life and the ground of our faith. Without the victory over death, says St Paul, all our preaching would be useless and our faith in vain. Furthermore, the guarantee of our future resurrection is secured upon the resurrection of Christ, because although we were dead through sin, God, full of mercy, moved by the infinite compassion with which he loved, gave us Christ ... and He raised us with him. Easter is the Celebration of our Redemption, and therefore the celebration of thanksgiving and joy.
The Resurrection of the Lord is a central reality of the Catholic faith, and has been preached as such since the beginning of Christianity. The importance of this miracle is so great that the Apostles are, above all else, witnesses of Jesus’ resurrection. They announce that Christ is alive, and this becomes the nucleus of all their preaching. After twenty centuries this is what we announce to the world: Christ lives! The fact of the resurrection is the supreme argument for the divinity of Our Lord.
After arising by his own power, Jesus, glorious, was seen by the disciples, who were able to ascertain that, it was He: they were able to talk with him, they saw him eat, They saw the math of the nails and the lance ... The Apostles declares that He manifested himself to them with numerous proofs, and many of these men died testifying to this truth.
May the light of Christ Rising in glory, dispel the darkness of our Hearts and minds.
The Liturgical committee
Monday and Thursday: |
1:00 – 4:00 p.m. |
Tuesday and Wednesday: |
9:00 – 11:00 a.m. |
Telephone messages are picked up on a regular basis throughout the week.
If you have any items for the bulletin, please send them to Alma at olv@videotron.ca before Wednesday afternoon.