Our Lady of Victory
Sunday - 9:00 A.M. |
St. Malachy
Saturday - 7:00 P.M. |
Reading I |
Ezekiel 37.12-14 |
Responsorial Psalm |
With the Lord there is steadfast love and great power to redeem |
Reading II |
Romans 8.8-11 |
Gospel |
John 11:1-45 |
Food for Thought |
Prayer brings us in touch with the body of Christ, of Jesus risen from death, and is present in all his people. Prayer affects the lives of others; in that way it is political, affecting how we live together, asking to be inbound and live in freedom like Lazarus.
Knowing that others pray with Sacred Space can help my life of prayer.
Pastor |
Rectory |
490 Charles Street
Gatineau, Québec J8L 2K5 |
Secretary |
Monday and Thursday - 1:00 - 4:00 p.m.
Tuesday and Wednesday - 9:00 - 10:00 a.m. |
Email |
Telephone |
(819) 986-3763 |
Fax |
(819) 961-3159 |
Welcome to those who want to make our parish their faith home. You may have come from other places. You may have been “away for a while”. Be assured that we love to have you among us. We would appreciate it very much if you identified yourself at Mass. It would also help if you would take the time to fill out a registration form. The next time you are with us, you may leave it in the collection basket or give it to one of the ushers or to the priest.
Thank you and welcome. |
M A S S S C H E D U L E |
WED. |
Apr. 13th - 11:00 a.m. |
Bernard Gravelle by Regis Lemieux
All Parishioners of OLV & St. Malachy |
SAT. |
Apr. 16th - 07:00 p.m. |
St. Malachy |
Mildred Scott Murphy by Ellen & Alvin
John & Esther Lavell by Patricia & Gregg
Andy Dunlop by Kay Roos & Family |
SUN. |
Apr. 17th - 09:00 a.m. |
Bill Weir (7th anniversary) by Barbara Weir
John Dwyer by Evelyn & J.P. Robitaille
Kay Brazeau by Maureen Dunning |
WED. |
Apr. 20th - 07:00 p.m. |
St. Joseph’s Cathedral, Hull |
Chrism Mass |
THU. |
Apr. 21st - 07:00 p.m. |
Holy Thursday Mass |
FRI. |
Apr. 22nd - 03:00 p.m. |
Passion of Our Lord |
SAT. |
Apr. 23rd - 09:00 p.m. |
Easter Vigil |
SUN. |
Apr. 24th - 08:00 a.m. |
Easter Sunday Mass
For all Parishioners of OLV & St. Malachy |
SUN. |
Apr. 24th - 09:30 a.m. |
St. Malachy |
Easter Sunday Mass
For all Parishioners of OLV & St. Malachy |
The Redemption is carried out also, albeit in a different manner from that of our actual participation in the Mass, in each one of our interior conversations with Our Lord, when we make a good confession, when we receive with piety the sacraments, which are like ``channels of grace``. Pain offered up to Our Lord in reparation for our sins – which deserve a far greater punishment – for our eternal salvation and for that of all the world, makes us co-redeemers with Christ. What was useless and destructive becomes something of incalculable value – the sickness of someone in hospital, the predicament of the mother of a family who faces up to problems which seem overwhelming, bad news which hurts us deeply, the problems we encounter each day, the mortifications we undertake or accept – all serve for the redemption of the world if we place them on the paten together with the bread which the priest is offering in the Holy Mass. It might seem to us that these are very small things, and so taken separately they are, like the drops of water which the priest adds to the wine in the Offertory. However, in the same way that these drops of water join with the wine to become the Blood of Christ, the actions – even the little ones – which we offer, will acquire an immense value in the eyes of God, because we have joined them to Jesus` sacrifice.
The Liturgical Committee
Over the next three weeks, including this week, we will be highlighting in the Bulletin the story of the reported apparitions of the Blessed Virgin in Medjugorje, in the country of Bosnia Herzegovina. As a follow up to the story, Father Darryl Kennedy of St Patrick’s in Ottawa has agreed to come and describe his experiences at Medjugorje. Father Kennedy has visited Medjugorje 25 times and in June this year, will once again be leading a group on a pilgrimage to the site. In order to gauge interest in hearing Father Kennedy’s story, next week a sign- up sheet will be available at the back of both churches. Father Kennedy will be available in early May.
“Only good things are happening at Medjugorje. People are praying there. People are adoring the Eucharist, and people are turning to God” - these are the words of the late Pope Jean Paul II.
(See attachment)

Donations made by churches across Canada on this one day, Solidarity Sunday, allow Development and Peace to support more than 200 partners in Asia, Africa, Latin America and the Middle East. Ten percent of the Share Lent collection goes to help people living in emergency situations.
Thank you for your generous contributions. Your gifts to Development and Peace today, given in love, will grow wisely in the hands of our partners. In solidarity, we can help peace and justice grow, and ease hunger in the world. For those who wish to hand in their donation at Easter or a later date, you may do so until the end of April.
Our Lady of Victory - This title was given to our Blessed Mother in honor of an important historical event, where Europe was threatened by a Turkish invasion. On October 7th 1571, the battle of Lepanto was fought and a decisive sea victory resulted in protecting the Christian faith. When the then reigning Pope St. Pius V realized the great danger the church was in, he called upon all the Marian groups in Rome to rally the faithful to pray fervently through the intersession of Our Lady to protect Europe from this grave threat. The faithful, through the rosary, prayed for victory and Europe was saved. In honor of her intersession, Pope Pius V named a feast day, Our Lady of Victory. The feast was later changed to Our Lady of the Rosary, so both titles refer to the same date.
There will be a meeting of the OLV Wardens in the church rectory on Thursday April 14th at 7:00 PM.
A donation basket is available at the top of the stairs at OLV for our Easter Flowers. If you would prefer to donate a plant in honour of a loved one, it would be much appreciated. You may indicate on the sheets the type of plant that you will be bringing.
- THE CHOEUR CLASSIQUE DE L`OUTAOUAIS PRESENTS ITS 25TH ANNIVERSARY CONCERT - The Choeur Classique de l`Outaouais celebrates its 25th anniversary in a concert combining masterpieces of music with our own regional traditions, all in a joyful spirit.
When: Saturday, April 16th at 8:00 p.m. and Sunday, April 17th at 4:00 p.m.
Where: At St. Francois de Sales Church, 799 Jacques Cartier Street, Gatineau
Tickets:Purchase your ticket from a Choir member, at Librairie du Soleil, the Leading Note, or at the door.
General Admission: - $20.00
18 and under: - $15.00
VIP reserved seating: - $25.00
More Info:
Website: www.choeurclassiqueoutaouais.ca
Email: infos@choeurclassiqueoutaouais.ca
Telephone: (819) 920-0350
- GOSPEL MATTERS CONCERT - Concert at OLV Church on Saturday, April 30th at 7:00 pm with Lyoness Woodstock and the Gospel Matters Band, featuring Judy Woodstock and Russ Orange. Also joining the concert will be Randy McDermid. Tickets will be available at the door, and can also be obtained from the Parish Secretary Alma Miller 819-986-3763 , Bill Camerom 819-986-8901 or from Lorraine McDermid 819-986-3987 . Coffee, tea and desserts will be served following the concert. View Poster
- Heart and Soul Gospel Choir Spring Concert – Concert at OLV Church on Thursday, May 12th at 8:00 pm. Ticket $5.00
- Spring Supper and Balloon Auction – To be held in OLV Hall on Friday, May 20th – more information to follow.
The Relay for Life for Cancer
The Relay for Life will be held on Friday, June 10th, 2011 under the Brady Bridge. All are invited to attend this event either as walkers or visitors. Please note that soft drink cans, beer and soft drink bottles are still being collected by Monique and all money raised goes to this event.
I am asking people to save milk bags (the outer printed bag) . These bags are cut into strips and put together to make sleeping mats for the people of Haiti, they are used as packing material to ship products and therefore there is no cost to ship the mats to Haiti. Insects and poisonous spiders do not like the plastic and will not hide in the mat. It takes 300 to 500 bags to make one mat. If you are interested in helping out please leave the bags at the entrance of the Church for pick up.
Monday and Thursday: |
1:00 – 4:00 p.m. |
Tuesday and Wednesday: |
9:00 – 11:00 a.m. |
Telephone messages are picked up on a regular basis throughout the week.
If you have any items for the bulletin, please send them to Alma at olv@videotron.ca before Wednesday afternoon.
W E E K L Y R E C E I P T S |
Date |
Collection |
St. Malachy |
Apr. 02/03 |
Sunday |
$ 698.00 |
$ 279.00 |
Apr. 02/03 |
Support |
405.00 |
158.00 |